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It is now the next day. Beomgyu had woken up before Taehyun.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Beomgyu exclaimed after checking the time.

Taehyun sat up quickly, wide awake. "LANGUAGE!!" He shouted.


"Ehem, anyways why did you scream?" Taehyun asked.

"I checked the time. It's only twelve AM." Beomgyu shoved his phone screen in Taehyun's face.

"You woke me up for that?? So lame." Taehyun laid back down on his pile of blankets.

Yeah he has a pile of blankets and pillows in his closet. It's like a relaxing area he has to just chill and read.

"Sorry.. I was surprised.." Beomgyu chuckles. He laid next to Taehyun.

It goes silent after a while. The two just stare up at the ceiling and contemplate on life. Taehyun starts up another conversation. "I feel like I've known you for years."

"Same here. We've only met yesterday but we're already so close." Beomgyu smiled. "Literally first day and I'm already inside your house."

"Aha, yeah." Taehyun turned to face Beomgyu. "I hope we stay like this forever. It's pretty fun being with you. My life has never been much more interesting til today."

"Isn't it because of all the weird things that happened? First it was the fact we kept bumping into each other, though the second time I think it was just because I couldn't see well without my glasses. Then it was the school break in. After that the hotel murderer. Oh and you didn't see this one but there was black ink or something dripping from my bathroom mirror." Beomgyu said.

"Dang, a lot has happened.. in just one day." Taehyun mumbles. "Really strange things too."

"Mhm, and I got to know you just a tad bit in that elevator." Beomgyu giggles.

"Well, do you want to know more about me then?" Taehyun asked.

"Yeah. How about what's your family like?" Beomgyu asked.

"My step parents told me this, but they said my mom died giving birth to me." Taehyun sighs. "I also have a step sister but she's already in college. I don't live with them since they travel a lot, so they haven't been home for five months now."

"Is that why you have a job?"

"That hotel is actually owned by my step dad. I believe that your step mom is my dad's acquaintance. That being the reason my dad is helping your mom pay for that house of yours." Taehyun nods.

"Ooh. Well funny thing. My mom told me that I'd be living there alone since she had an affair with someone. She said my dad would be sending me money to survive alone. So I've been taking care of myself." Beomgyu said.

"Same here." The two sigh. It is silent again.

"When I was younger.. my family got into a car accident. It's just me now.. I remember I had a big brother too.." Beomgyu inaudibly said.

Taehyun heard it clearly. Without thinking, he says the thing that he wanted to say. "Beomie Hyung."


"Beomie Hyung!"


"Gyu Hyungie!!"

"You are being strange." Beomgyu giggles.

"Heh, sorry Hyung I just wanted to call your name." Taehyun poked Beomgyu's arm. "Hey, let's go to sleep now. It's already one and we need to wake up at seven."

"Okay." Beomgyu slowly closed his eyes. "Do you know how to sing?"

"Yeah, who doesn't?"

Beomgyu hummed. "Sing me a song please. I usually sleep with music on."

"Alright. Sing along with me. We gonna listen to Twice too! Heheheh."

And so, the two sing some Twice songs together to fall asleep.

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