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"Mm~ that was some yummy cheesy Tteokbokki." Taehyun said, rubbing his full tummy.

"Hyun-ah, you come here almost every Saturday. How are you not sick of the cheese tteokbokki?"

"Because it is cheesy tteokbokki." He stated proudly. "Never will I ever hate tteokbokki."

"I don't like cheese."

"gAaAasp?! BeOmGyu?!"

"Whaat? Its so stringy and the texture is so eew." Beomgyu frowned.

Taehyun huffed and pats his head. "Don't worry. You'll like it one day." He is definitely going to make Beomgyu like cheese.

"Well what is it you want me to try then?" Beomgyu asked.

"The best of course. Cheesy Tteokbokki!" (How many times has he said this??)

"..only for you Hyunnie." He was about to take his chopsticks and grab some, but Taehyun did it first.

"Say ahh, hyungie." He said, holding out his chopsticks with Tteokbokki and cheese on it.

"A-Ahh!" Beomgyu hesitates to open his mouth wider. Taehyun slipped the Tteokbokki in his mouth. He went nom nom on it and scrunched his nose. "Maybe I just can't swallow the cheese."

"Hmm.. here's some water." Taehyun said, handing Beomgyu a water bottle.

He gulped the water down and successfully finished the single piece of tteokbokki.

Taehyun then used his spoon to scoop some of the soupy part. He let Beomgyu drink it. "Okie, that part is good."

"Yay!" He gleamed, clinging onto Beomgyu's side. Beomgyu clung onto him as well.

"Just a heads up you two." The front desk dude said from behind them. "Arcade closes in a few minutes."

"Ok!" They say at the same time. Quickly, they clean up their table and cover up any remaining Tteokbokki they had for leftovers, even though Taehyun could come here anytime.

"Thanks for the food and games, Hyung." Taehyun bowed to the front desk dude. Like before, Front desk dude doesn't get a name because I can't think of any.

"Goodbye Taehyun and his future boyfriend." He waved.

Beomgyu and Taehyun became flustered as they awkwardly, but happily, laughed as they walked out the doors of the arcade.

"We should do something fun like this again!" Beomgyu exclaimed.

"Yeah, but what?"

"Hmm.." they think together.

After a couple minutes, Taehyun thought of an idea. "Oh! We should invite Seungmin and Jeongin to hangout as well and we can all go to a themepark or something!"

"Good idea! Let's go home now, I'm tired~"

"Your house this time?" Taehyun asked.

"Gyu's house~!" Beomgyu then grabbed Taehyun's hand as he ran down the street, all the way to his house.



The two then play on Beomgyu's Nintendo Switch for the rest of the day.

(Shortest Chapter :d)

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