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It for real is now the next day. They forgot some weird things that happened. Not the big parts like there was a break in or the hotel murderer. They remember those.

What they don't remember is the details. How the people that broke in were searching for the chosen ones. Or the fact that the murderer kidnapped 4 kids and was the boyfriend of the housekeeper's sister who eventually got murdered.

Beomgyu doesn't remember the black thing in his bathroom. Taehyun doesn't remember him rambling all night about it.

And the reason?

All their worries got washed away. They forgot most of what happened just by being together. It's like they're each other's solution to their problems.

But of course, they won't figure that out now.

Taehyun woke up before Beomgyu this time. It was 8, but school started in an hour anyways.

"Psst, Hyung, wakie wakie." Taehyun whispered while shaking him.

Seconds later, Beomgyu woke up. He is a pretty heavy sleeper but magically Taehyun the magician woke him easily.

"Good morning.." a drowsy Beomgyu said with a tiny smile.

"Good morning!" Taehyun also said with a smile. He got up and lifted Beomgyu up too. "Let's go get ready. I'll help you so you don't take long."

"O-Oh ok." Beomgyu scratched the side of his head as he became a tad bit flustered. He never had someone to help him get ready before. (Well actually he has just no memory of it. He was very young after all.)

"I'll pick out clothes for you while you brush your teeth!" Taehyun then searched his drawers.

Beomgyu nods and leaves the room, searching for Taehyun's bathroom which is exactly like Beomgyu's house, inside their room.

Taehyun's bathroom was much, much more cleaner than Beomgyu's. That being Beomgyu's bathroom is painted black as Taehyun's is painted white. An illusion to white being clean as black being plain.

Though they both of course keep their bathrooms, and their entire house overall, very clean. These two are like clean freaks.

Not literally though.

Beomgyu found a non-open toothbrush and used it. He knew Taehyun would have a spare, but didn't expect him to have like a million (Actually it's 10.)

He brushed his teeth and washed his face. Taehyun came inside the bathroom to give him a towel.

"Here, I got you a towel to dry yourself. I left clothes on the bed for you." Taehyun said, then taking his own toothbrush and brushing his own teeth. Taehyun was already dressed in clean clothes.

Beomgyu dries his face off and goes back to Taehyun's room, taking the clothes Taehyun gave him. He went back into the closet to change.

They finished at the same time. It took them 10 minutes to get ready. Beomgyu then stops Taehyun as he is about to go downstairs.

"Do you have anything to comb the knots out of our hair?" Beomgyu asked.

"Oh, no wonder you take long. No, I don't. I just go out like this." Taehyun shrugged.

"But I have to.. my hair looks like a big curly mess.." Beomgyu pouts.

Taehyun examined his hair carefully. He smiles and says, "You look cute." then proceeds to go down the stairs.

Beomgyu once again is flustered. He kept the pout on his face as he followed Taehyun.

"I'm gonna make us food before we leave." Taehyun said. There was exactly 30 minutes until the two had to leave for school. Another 10 minutes after that was when class starts.

Beomgyu sits on a stool in the kitchen. "Your kitchen is even fancier than mine." Beomgyu states.

"Oh yeah? Well after school you better give me a tour on your house. I gave you a tour on mine yesterday." Taehyun said.

"Yeah, ok!" Beomgyu showed two thumbs up.

Taehyun made eggs and sausages with maple syrup on top. They ate it all in about 20 minutes meaning 10 minutes left to spare.

Those minutes left to spare are for Beomgyu and Taehyun to walk over to Beomgyu's house so Beomgyu could grab his backpack.

And obviously that only took like 3 minutes so they're taking a small break on Beomgyu's couch.

"For someone living alone, you sure know how to keep your house clean." Taehyun said.

"Well isn't it the same for you?" Beomgyu questioned.

"True.. well I guess living alone most of your life makes responsibility come earlier. Because of that, I'm more mature for my age and people tend to think I'm a short sixteen year old." Taehyun shrugged.

"Woah, really? For me it's different. I still act my age around others. Being fun is what I like to be, so I be it."

"That's nice. Anyways we should go now, it's the ten minute time."


They walk to their school together, takes only 5 minutes. The rest of the 5 minutes is to walk to class. English for Beomgyu, Math for Taehyun.

Day 2 of middle school.

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