Chapter 1

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"I can't believe my photographer left his job now what will I do?He literally dumped me and my photoshoot is in 1 hour" I said to my manager.

"Calm down John" my manager tried to calm me down

"How can I be calm when my photoshoot is in the next one hour?"
I scoffed

"I know someone who could help us"
He said and my face lift up

"Really?" I said with a smile on my face

"Yes "He said

"So who is it?"I said being impatient

"Taelyn Tsukumo"He said and my eyes widened.

"The most famous photographer?"I asked shocked and he just nodded.

"How do you know her?"I asked being curious

"My girlfriend is her fried and somehow we are friends"He said while dialing a number

"Hello"he said while talking to someone on the phone.

"Really?Thank you so much ,see you after 30 minutes then,thank you so much I owe you this,you saved us"after that he hung up the phone.

"Taelyn is coming in thirty minutes so go and get ready with the clothes that you will be wearing for the photoshoot"He said while going outside of the changing room.

I was shocked,I stayed there shocked for about 5 minutes trying to proceed everything, seriously,the Taelyn Tsukumo herself is going to be my photographer?

After that I changed into my clothes and the theme of the photoshoot was being a captain or general from a war , I don't know exactly what because history wasn't my strongest subject in school.I changed into the clothes and now I'm waiting for her .

"Knock knock" someone knocked at the door

"You can come in" I said and the door opened revealing a girl

"Hello ,I'm Layla ,Jae Hyun's girlfriend,he said to come here and get you because he was busy discussing with Taelyn about your photoshoot"she said with a smile on her face

"Thank you so much"I said and then followed her while she was leading the way to the place where I will have my photoshoot.

After we arrived I saw Jae Hyun talking to a girl and she was telling him what things should be prepared for the photoshoot.
After that Jae Hyun saw me and waved at me . After that she looked behind her and I saw her face.

I have heard of her so much but I was to busy to see how she looked like so this was the first time I'm seeing her face and I'm too stunned to speak,Oh God she is the most beautiful human I have seen in my life ,Her blue eyes look like crystals,her face was like a baby but that made her look more  amazing and her hair looks so soft ,I wanna touch them.

*Stop you look like a pervert

I'm trying to stop okay? but she looks like someone who came straight from a fairytale but better than a fairytale.

*Idiot do you want to make her  uncomfortable by looking at her like a pervert.

Of course I don't.

*Then calm yourself down and go and introduce yourself to her.

The voice in my head tried to keep me calm .

"Hello,I'm Taelyn Tsukumo and I will be your photographer,I hope we will have a good time together"she said and stretched her hand indicating that she is trying to shake my hand.

"I'm John Spade ,Nice to meet you and I hope we will have a good time together "I said while shaking her hand.
Oh God her hand is so soft.

*Stop you pervert

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