Chapter 10

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"Hey my love what did you want to talk about?"

"Let's break up "

"What are you talking about?"

"Today I was at my boss's office and I decided that we should break up "

"No wait!"

My tears started to fall on my cheeks and my knees are weak.

My love is shaking me

"John,you idiot get up,we aren't breaking up"


And then she hugged me tight and wiped my tears and kissed me.

"But-but you said let's break up"

"I know,I should have been more clear"

"More clear?"

"I wanted to say let's pretend to break up"

"Oh "

"But why?"

"Because my boss doesn't want for us to date and threatened me that he will do something bad to you ,but don't worry I have a plan to take him down and plus next month my contract will expire so I will be free from that company"

"That mother fucker,I will kill him"

"Not you darling,I should be the one, please let me do it"

"Okay but if you need help tell me immediately okay?"


"By the way I'm planning to release the new song tomorrow do you want to listen to it?"

"Of course darling "

"Oh and I wrote another song"

"Another one?"

"Yep , it's a love song dedicated to you"


"Yes you,I plan to sing it at the concert"

"Are you sure?"


"Okay then,but now can I listen to the song that you will upload tomorrow?"

"Yes of course my love,now let's go to my studio "

"OH My God this song is so good and calming,I love it,I'm falling for you even more "


"Yes,I fall for you everyday and everytime I say I love you more than yesterday and if tomorrow I'm alive I will love you even more than today "

These words are making me cry and my heart melt,I just love her so much.

"I love you so much my love "

"I love you more John,my one and only true love,my first and last love"

I kissed her in the lips ,I'm hugging her so tightly.

"Yah John do you want to break my bones?"

"Not today, it's not the time yet"


"Only for you my love ,only for you"

After that we went to bed and we started to cuddle and unknowingly we fell asleep.

In case you didn't know we still didn't do that,I'm waiting for our first day of marriage,I want to make her feel comfortable around me ,want to make her feel loved and then sex is just a bonus.

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