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"Daddy, daddy, c'mon let's go to the beach,we will be late"

"I'm coming"

It's been 4 years since my daughter Mirai was born,she is my joy.

"Daddy, c'mon,do you want grandma to scold you again and to pull your ear?"

"No of course not"

"Then come fast"

We are going on a vacation,a summer vocation.

Now I'm in the car driving and listening to one of our favorite songs.

I know you are curious so let me tell you what happened:

4 years ago flashback:

My daughter is in my hand ,but at what cost?
My love left this world,how I'm going to raise her?

"Why are you crying sir? Aren't you happy that your daughter is born?"
The doctor asked me

"I'm really happy that my princess came to this world healthy but her mother is not here to raise her and see her growing up"

"What are you saying sir?"

"My wife died during childbirth"

"I think you are wrong"


"I helped your wife to give birth to this child and your wife is alive and healthy but she is exhausted so she fell asleep,we will shift her to another room soon so you can see her there"

"Really?Are you sure?"


I'm really happy,both of them are safe and healthy

"I can't thank you enough,thank you so much for keeping her safe"

"That's what I had to do mo matter what. "

And then she left.

Now I'm next to my wife seeing her sleeping face and our baby's crib is next to her.

After two hours she woke up.

"Where am I?"

"In the hospital"

"But didn't I die?"

"No you are alive"

"What about our daughter?"

"She is sleeping at the crib next to you"

She burst into tears and I just hugged her.

After few minutes my wife asked me

"Where is the girl who saved me?"

"I'm going to call her so wait here,we can thank her together"

I searched the entire hospital searching for the doctor who helped my wife but no one knows her,they said that she isn't one of the doctors of this hospital.
I told my wife and she started to cry.

"Why are you crying?What happened?Do you feel pain anywhere?"

"No ,I'm fine but I think I know who the girl was"

"Really,who is it my love?"

"While I was giving birth to our daughter when the girl said,push a little bit more, c'mon mom,I know you can do it, please stay alive,I need you,dad and me are really sad that you left us, please stay alive for us ,I love you mom,your daughter wants to grow up with her mom by her side"


"I think she was out daughter,I think she came from the future "

"I think so too, because her eyes was shining and she resembled you,and she was so happy while saying that you were alive "

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