Chapter 13

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"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Oh c'mon my love,you are just going to meet my parents"

"Yes ,I am going to meet your parents,what if they don't like me?"

"They will love you , especially my mother,she always wanted a daughter in law,and her wish is going to come true soon"

"I hope"

"Okay now let's go to bed because tomorrow we are going to meet my parents"

"Good night darling"

"Good night my love "


I woke up in the morning but my love wasn't next to me. I think she woke up very early to get ready to meet my parents.
Anyway I need to get up,take a shower and then eat breakfast and finally go to my parents.

"Good morning my love"

"Good morning darling"

I wrapped my arms around her waist and gave her some neck kisses.

"Why did you wake up so early?"

"I need to get ready"

"Let me help you to make the breakfast"

"No, just go watch some TV instead"

This girl really...
I took her in my arms and made her sit on the kitchen counter and then I kissed her roughly,she was breathless and then I started to make the breakfast "

"Yah you idiot " she said while catching her breath


"You are playing dirty "

"No,I'm not ,as long as you love it and enjoy it it's not playing dirty "

"Okay,yes I love it but-"

"No buts,you need to take things early and let me help you"

"But you are tired "

"You are tired too,you are a human and not a robot, please my love,I love you so much "

"Okay,then let's do it together "

"Nope, today I will do it,you just stay here and watch your future husband "

"Okay then but if you catch me looking at you shamelessly don't tease me"

"You can watch me in whichever way you want,I'm yours,with my body,my soul and my heart "

"Aww come here,let me kiss you once more"

"Whatever you say my queen "

She kissed me and of course I kissed her back.

After we ate our breakfast we washed the dishes together and of course we teased each other and then we got ready and went to my parents.

"Hello, welcome my daughter in law"

"Mom,am I not your son anymore "

"You ungrateful brat,you didn't even told me you had a beauty "

"Mom,she is mine back off "

"Come here you brat"
My mom pulled my ear

"Yah it hurts "

"Not more than my heart for you"

"Yah c'mon you two,stop bickering and let the girl to come inside first "
My dad said to me and mom in a scolding tone .

After that we went inside and my mom pulled me into a breaking bones hug ,I couldn't even breath.

"Mom ,you are breaking my bones"

"Of course I will break those bones and then you can stay with us, because you rarely visit us anymore "

"I'm really busy"

"You don't love your parents anymore" she said while fake crying

"Both of you are drama queens" my dad said with a sight.

After that we sat together and we talked about many things,my parents really loved Taelyn.

Now we sat to eat dinner,the dinner that my mom made together with my love.
After dinner we went home .


I really had a good time with John's parents,they were really lovely and now I can see who John takes after,he is completely like his mother, starting from his personality,to his playfulness,and some of his facial features, because when it comes to his face he is a mix between his parents.
I helped mom to cook dinner,well John's mom said to call her mom so I will be doing that from now one,his father said that too so I will call him dad too.

Now we are home,I took a shower and went straight to sleep cause tomorrow will be a busy day and the day after tomorrow will be Layla's wedding.

Yep Layla and Jae Hyun are getting married.

I woke up in the morning,made breakfast and then went downstairs woke up John and then went to work.


Now I'm trying to calm Layla because she is nervous about her wedding.

"Calm down bestie,you are marrying the man you love"

"I know but I'm still nervous"

"Just think about the happy moments you will have after marriage"

"You are right,thank you Taelyn"

After that Layla started to walk down the aisle with her father,and on the other side Jae Hyun is waiting for her.

"Don't worry my love,soon we will be like this too"

"John,stop teasing"

"Just telling the truth my love"
After that he kissed me .

We congratulated the new married couple and give them our blessings.

Now we are going home and John is driving the car and with the other hand he is holding my hand.

Now we are home,I'm making a quick dinner, well with quick I mean ramen for both of us.

We ate dinner and went to sleep.

This was all for this chapter,I hope you enjoyed it and if you did please vote.
Sorry for the short chapter and for any grammar mistakes.

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