Chapter 6

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I woke up because the sun light touched my face ,but I'm not complaining because today I woke up before John .
Better take a shower quickly and then go and make him breakfast.

Now I'm making him omelette with fried rice,he said it was his favorite breakfast.
While singing I was frying the rice when two strong arms were wrapped around my waist.

"Good morning my love"he said with his raspy deep voice.

"Good morning darling"I sad while giving him a kiss

"It smells so good" he said it while giving me neck kisses.

"John stop you are tickling me "

"I'm sorry but you smell so good and I can't stop kissing you"

"Go and wear a T shirt"

"And why so" he said with a teasing smile

"Because you are distracting me" I said looking at his abs shamelessly

He started to laugh and said
"I'm sorry love but I like the look in your eyes while looking at my abs"

"You have a strange kink "

"Yeah , whatever "
And he again starting to kiss me .

After that we sat on the table and started to eat our breakfast and after that John went upstairs to get ready for his work.He had a recording to make for his new song that he was going to release soon.

I was washing the dishes when John came downstairs and gave me a kiss.

"I'm sorry my love I have to go ,I should have helped you to wash the dishes"

"Idiot, don't worry you have work,go and take care of yourself" and then I kissed his lips.

After that he went to his car and went to the company.

After I washed the dishes I got ready to go do my work.

I have so many photos to shoot  today ,some brand photoshoots,some cosmetic ones some hair products ones and many more,today will be a tiring day .

"This was for today,I will send you the photos by email in a week,thank you for being patient "

After that I left work and went home.

Now it was 21:00 and I decided to make dinner for John and me.
I made Curry 🍛 and then I went to take a shower, wore  my pajamas and waited for John to come.

It was around 22:30 when John came.

"I'm home" he said with a tired voice

"Welcome home honey " I said while giving him a kiss

"I got the bath ready for you so go take a shower and then come to eat dinner"

"I'm sorry for coming late"

"My love, don't worry, it's your job ,you don't have to apologize,now c'mon go and take a relaxing bath and then come downstairs to eat dinner together"

"Wait,you didn't eat?"

"Nope,I was waiting for you"

"Next time eat without me, don't wait for me"

"Sorry love but I can't do that"

After that I gave him another kiss and then he went to take a shower"

After that he came downstairs and sat on the table while I was servings the dinner.

We ate and talked about our day.

Then I washed the dishes,at first John wanted to help but I didn't let him.

He directly went to bed.
I went to bed after I washed the dishes.
John wrapped his arms around my waist and slept immediately.

I could tell that he was so tired,well of course he is ,he is an idol and being one is not easy especially when you are the most famous Idol in your country.


Today my love made me breakfast and then I immediately went to work,I had a recording for a new song and practice to do because in a few weeks I have a world tour in my schedule.

Today It was a very exhausting day and I came home very tired,my love gave me a kiss and then I went to take a shower,came downstairs and ate dinner.
I wanted to help her wash the dishes but she didn't let me .
I then went to our shared bedroom and layed on the bed waiting for her to come.
She came and layed on the bed and then I wrapped my arms around her waist and slept like that.Her smell calms me down,not just her smell but her presence too .

I wish to spend all my lifetimes with her,to create a family with her and to live happily together forever.

I'm sorry for the short chapter but I'm not really feeling well,I'm sick so I couldn't write more .
Sorry for any grammar mistakes and see you next time.
Fun fact:while writing this chapter I was listening to someone like you

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