Chapter 2

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I woke up in the morning by the most annoying sound in the whole world,my damned alarm.
Now I went to the bathroom,took a shower and started to search for some good clothes when my phone rang.
I saw that Layla was calling.

"Girl are you awake"?she said

"Yes I am or how else I would have answered this call".I answered her and I could heart a tsk in the other line.

"Get ready and meet me because today we will go and send John his photos" she said with a teasing tone

"This is what I have been doing for the past half an hour,I'm trying to find some good clothes but I can't find anything good".I said while scoffing.

"Whatever you wear will look good so just wear a hoodie and some jeans and it will look perfect".She said while laughing.

"Stop teasing me ,now leave me alone so I can find some good clothes".I said to her.

"Okay then see you later"

"See you later"I said back and then hung the phone.

After searching for another 15 minutes I finally found something good to wear.

After searching for another 15 minutes I finally found something good to wear

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I think I look good in this outfit.
*It's hard to say but damn bitch you really have a good body so everything will look good on you.
Thanks consy.
*It wasn't a compliment,now c'mon or else you will be late.

After that I put a lip balm and then went to my car started the engine and went to the place where we were supposed to meet so I can give John the photos.

"Hi"John waved at me .

"Hello" I said back.

"I'm fine how about you"he fleshed his fucking perfect smile

I'm not fine ,you are killing me.
*I dare you to say that
Shut up consy

"I'm good 😊" I answered back with a smile

"John" I called at him

"Yes" he answered back with curiosity

"Where is Jae Hyun and Layla?" I asked

"They said that they had a date so they left " he answered.


"Why? are you disappointed that I'm here with you?" He asked a little sad

How the fuck I'm supposed to be sad when I'm staying with a sexy and hot mf .

"No I'm not, actually I'm happy thought" I said and he smiled again.

Oh God please not that smile again,does he wants to see me dead ?
*Maybe 🤔 why don't you ask him
Shut up consy

After that we went inside the restaurant and sat in one of the tables and the waiter came and asked if we were ready to order.

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