Chapter 4

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It's been 1 month since I met John and we actually became really good friends,but my feelings for him aren't friendly ones but what can I do ,I don't want to loose him so I better keep my feelings to myself in order to stay next to him as his friend, better a friend that a nothing to him.
Today I have another photoshoot to photograph.
I'm going to meet my favorite actor Lee Dong Wook.
After the photoshoot John asked me to meet him,I don't know why but whatever the reason is I know that I will be having a good time with him.
Now I need to go and meet my favorite actor and take his photos.

Finally I'm home , I'm really exhausted but I have to take a bath and then get ready,I have to meet with John in two hours.
What should I wear ?
Well first I need to take a relaxing bath.

What I'm supposed to wear?I think I need some shopping to do.
Wait I think this one is pretty good.

"Can you get ready faster or do you want to be late?"

"Shut up consy,I will be ready in time"

Okay this really looks good on me.

"You would look better without nothing and under John"


"Oh c'mon it's not like you haven't had a dream like that"

"That's it ,I'm done with you"

After that I went to my car, hopped in and started to drive to the location where I will be meeting with John.

Now it's 16:00 and we have to meet at 16:30.

Finally I'm at the meeting place,and I'm on time, it's 16:20 .

I went inside the restaurant and saw John ,he is waving at me.
Damn men he looks so hot and sexy .
I want him but ...

"Hi Taelyn"

"Hi John,how have you been?I haven't see you since last week"

"I have been busy but I'm good ,what about you?"

"I'm good but exhausted to the core"

Hahahaha "c'mon sit here "

"Thanks John"

"You are welcome "

After that we talked about things that happened during the week that we didn't see each other,we laughed and as always I ended up being killed by his smile.

We were talking but them some people came and throwed us petals and then John sat on the ground took my hand, kissed it and said:

"I love you ,I loved you since the day I saw you ,I don't know how to explain it but you took my heart,I can't imagine my life without you ,will you be my girlfriend?"

I'm so shocked at this moment,I don't know how to react.

He is making a sad face and then said this:

"It's okay if you don't feel the same but at least let us remain good friends" he said that and that sentence bought me back .

"I love you too,I did since the day I saw you in that magazine cover"

He is jumping from happiness,his smile is not leaving his face,that killer smile.

"I love you ,I really really love you,I will never make you cry ,I will do my best so smile can never leave your face ,you made me the happiest human on earth"

And them he took me in his arms and started to spin me around.

After that we went home ,in his house and started to watch a movie together,but he wasn't focusing on the movie but my face.

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