Chapter 3

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I was working in the restaurant when I saw two familiar figures walking to a table.
I don't think that they are dating but dam the love in their eyes is so fucking true .
I wanna take a photo of them and make it as my wallpaper but I can't,I don't want to invade their privacy.
John is my favorite singer and Taelyn is my favorite photographer.
Whatever they are I hope they are happy together.
And in case if they are dating I will support them.
Now I should go to the kitchen and cook for them of course if they want to order.
Btw I'm Kim Aera and I work as a personal assistant of the chef here.
It's unbelievable to meet my idol here.

Today the restaurant was so busy and now finally the day it's over.
Now I'm going home.
I live alone with my little sister.
Our parents abandoned us because we were born girls and called us useless.
When they abandoned us I was only 15 and I had to take care of my little sister who was only 10.

Finally I'm in front of my house.

"Sister you are finally home" my little sister came and jumped at me and hugged me .

"Yes Ari ,I'm home " I said back feeling really tired.

"I made you dinner let's go and eat" she said .

"I'm sorry,I couldn't come home early" I said feeling guilty.

"Don't worry sister, after all you work all day to provide for both of us and then you take care of me even though you could have left me in the orphanage" she said with a smile

"You are my sister,I would have never left you there" I said feeling a little bit angry at her thoughts.

This girl always take herself as a burden but in reality she isn't,she is always here to make my day,she is the best sister in the world and I'm glad that I have her.

"Okay okay,I know,now go wash your hands and let's sit and eat dinner" she said while going to the kitchen.

" Ari how was your day in school" I asked her.

"It was good" she said with a smile
But I know that this is a fake smile.

"Ari don't lie,you know that I'm here so tell me the truth" I said to her.

"The boy that I love ,he started to date my classmate" she said with a bitter smile

"Come here" I pointed at the empty chair next to me

She came and then I gave her a hug.

"Don't worry,he will see your value someday,but you need to understand that if he doesn't notice you after all the things you did for him that means you weren't meant to be " I said explaining to her in the best way I could without hurting her feelings.

"I know but it hurts and  I was the matchmaker for them,I helped him to  date her and he didn't even notice the way I look at him" she said while a tear was slipping from her eyes.

"Look at me ,you are worth everything, just be confident in yourself,I promise that the person you love will love you back if you two were meant to be " I said to her with a smile.

"Thank you sister " she said with her smile.

"Okay now let's eat and go to bed " I said.

"Can we watch a movie before we sleep?" She asked me .

"How can I say no to my sister " I said while looking at her .

"Yey " she started to jump.
I can't believe that this girl is 15 but in front of me she looks like a child who needs protection.

We choose a horror movie and we started to watch it.
I looked at Ari and she was trembling.

"Ari are you scared?" I said to her while teasing her.

"Who ?Me ?Me being scared?" She said trying to hide the fact that she was stuttering and trembling in fear.

"Nah I wasn't talking to you ,I was talking to the person behind you" I said back while laughing.

She immediately jumped on me and hugged me .

"Please don't joke,I'm scared" she said trembling.

"Ari, that's why I said to not watch any horror movie but you still didn't listen". I said to her while patting her back.

"But I love horror movies" she said with her puppy eyes.

"And then after watching it  you can't sleep alone because you are scared " I said .

"Can I sleep with you please 🥺" she said showing me her puppy eyes again.

Sigh  "Okay "

"Okay then let's go to sleep" she said with a smile.

After that we did our night routine and went to bed .

"Good night sister "

"Good night Ari"

This was all for this chapter,I'm sorry because it's a short chapter,and I'm sorry for any kind of grammar mistakes.
And I'm sorry for not posting yesterday,but I was busy and I couldn't post.
See you next time.🤗

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