Chapter 15

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I woke up first and I saw my love sleeping besides me,she is looking so cute as always,oh and if you are wondering if we did that yesterday than let me answer your curiosity,no we didn't,we were both exhausted,and to be honest that wasn't more important than her being comfortable around me,if she wants to do that then we will if she doesn't tean we won't,I don't care if you call me crazy or stupid or whatever, because the most important thing is that she is my wife ,my wish came true and all other things are a bonus.

Anyway I need to take a shower and make her breakfast.

Now I'm making breakfast when my love came and just hugged me from behind.

"Good morning my love,did you sleep well?"

"Yes but no,when I woke up you weren't next to me "

"Sorry but I wanted to make you breakfast"

After that we ate breakfast and just spent the day cuddling and watching movies.

Now it's night and I'm washing the dishes and my love said that she is going to shower.

I washed the dishes and then went upstairs to our shared bedroom.

I opened the door and my jaw dropped,my love was dressed sexily and was waiting for me in the bed.

"M-my love,w-what i-is this?"
I'm stuttering.

"Yesterday we both were exhausted and we couldn't do it but today you won't escape,I'm all yours, sorry for making you wait"

"Don't apologize my love,but are you sure you want this? Cause once I start I won't stop"

"Yes absolutely,I'm sure"

After hearing these words I went closer to bed and kissed her roughly,and then I took my shirt off and again asked her if she wanted to do it and she said yes and then I took her clothes off and ....
Stop now get out ,I want some private time with my love,we may be an official obvious couple but our private things like this will stay private only between us so get out of here and leave us some time alone.


I woke up in the morning,my head was on his bare chest.
I wanted to get up but ...


"What happened my love?"

"You beast,my whole body hurts because of you"

"I'm sorry my love but you were to hot and cute to resist "

After that he took me bridal style and took me to shower,we showered together and then he went to make me breakfast because I barely could walk .

Another thing,I and John while doing it we remembered our last life,me being Mitsuki and he being Takao.
How I died and he waited for me in that tree,my promise to him that our love story will be the best in the universe.
I kept my promise,we are together.
We are repeating our love story again but this time we will have a happy ending.
I don't know how it happened but me and John after our death we went to another dimension,we were born in the same birthday and year as our last life ,this dimension is behind in time .
Like maybe 100 years behind.
Nevermind,I don't care as long as I will get to stay with my love.


One month later.

I'm on the bathroom taking a pregnancy test.
I haven't been feeling well lately so I bought a pregnancy test .
Luckily John is not home yet.

I'm crying from happiness,Thank you God thank you so much for giving us a new family member.

I'm crying and screaming from happiness when John came immediately in the bathroom,he looks like he has seen a ghost.

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