Info on the AU

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There's so much lore to this au, so imma try to get rid of the not so important parts: 

After a cookie named Cursed Crystal (my oc) took over the Vanilla Kingdom, he put a spell on a lot of the cookies in the kingdom and palace. Only a few cookies were able to be safe from it due to them not even being in the kingdom at the time. One of these "cookies" (bro isnt a cookie in this au) is Espresso. They came back from visiting their parent Pitaya when they noticed that almost everyone seemed to be worshipping Cursed Crystal. Of course they hated this because they thought he was just a "puny and pathetic cookie". 

A few weeks of tolerating this bullshit later, Espresso decided they wanted to try to one-up Cursed Crystal. And since they were already trying not to get kidnapped by a certain someone, they knew how they were going to achieve this.

When nobody was looking, they snuck into Dark Enchantress' throne room, took all of her magic, and killed her. 

Dark Enchantress' magic may have corrupted Espresso a bit, but they didn't change completely.

After they went back to the kingdom, they noticed Madeleine walking towards them. He told Espresso to follow him, so they did. Little did Espresso know, Madeleine was leading them into a trap. Thankfully, Espresso caught on last minute. (I'll reveal what Madeleine was trying to do at some point)

Espresso got pissed off, so they fled the kingdom

One thing led to another, then next thing they knew, they were starting their own group similar to the Cookies of Darkness

💀 <—- dark enchantress emoji /hj

anyways, enough of the lore, here's some info on the main characters


Appearance: their hair is a bit fluffier. they're wearing a red shirt with black pants and a black and red cloak that kinda covers their arms if they're by their side. they're also wearing red glasses and black gloves. they have black wings that kinda look like bat wings and a black tail with a brown tip (dragonspresso go brr)

Love interest: String Gummy and Roguefort

Description: they probably hate cookies even more now. also, they do get pissed easily. they will happily beat anyone's ass if they even look at them wrong /hj


Appearance: he wears a dark purple version of his armor. his sword is black and purple. he has a glowing purple gem on his headpiece.. which is also purple.. also his hair is a bit messier. he has a small burn mark on his face bc espresso attacked him.

Love interest: Nobody. He isn't even aroace. I just hate him in this au, so I made him bitchless

Description: he kinda feels bad for what he did, but he won't apologize bc he was simply following orders. he also has a small fear of espresso's dragon form, but he won't tell anyone

Dark Enchantress:

Appearance: dead

Love interest: nobody bc shes dead

Description: dead as hell

ok i'll stop with the dead dark enchantress jokes

Lavender Cookie (my oc):

Appearance: she wears a lavender dress with a white cardigan with sleeves that slightly go over her hand. she has long light purple hair and lilac eyes. her skin tone is kinda dark but not really. she also has lavenders around her head. its kinda like a crown, but not really

Love interest: nobody. she's aroace

Description: she's espresso's assistant. shes kinda like hydrangea cookie but no. she helps espresso with most things despite them saying that she doesnt have to

Cursed Crystal Cookie:

Appearance: ugly /j. all jokes aside, he wears black armor with black pauldrons that have dark purple crystals on them. he has short and fluffy black hair with purple highlights. his skin tone is pretty dark

Love interest: nobody. he's aroace

Description: a tyrant to some, a normal king to others in the vanilla kingdom. espresso and lavender hate this mf with a passion

String Gummy: 

Appearance: same as his canon appearance 

Love interest: Espresso and Roguefort

Description: one of the only reasons why espresso hasn't destroyed the entire vanilla kingdom yet. he's somehow perfectly fine with espresso's villain arc

Strawberry Crepe:

Appearance: they sometimes wear their yogurt phantom costume, but when they're not, they look like their canon self

Love interest: snow sugar

Description: espresso's adoptive child. they're liked by espresso's followers


Appearance: same as their canon appearance 

Love interest: String Gummy and Espresso

Description: also somehow ok with espresso's villain arc. they love stealing from madeleine because of what he did 


Appearance: same as her canon one

Love interest: Hydrangea (she will only be mentioned like once tho)

Description: holds a grudge against espresso. she cant do anything tho because espresso is like 10x more powerful than she is


of course there are other characters, but they arent really main characters

anyways, this story will take place after all the lore shit

also if you saw the first version of this, forget that you did 😍😍. roguespresso and esprestring were always canon in this story and au.. yeah

(DISCONTINUED) Reign Of Darkness AUWhere stories live. Discover now