Chapter 13

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•·.·Maybe like 20 minutes later, Espresso's POV·.·•

When I woke up, I was in some dungeon

I saw that I had some type of bracelet on

'I have a feeling I know what this bracelet is for.. So I guess that means I can't use my magic or get into my dragon form, huh'

'..Wait a damn minute'

Then I realized Madeleine was looking at me

"MADELEINE" I hissed

"Hm?" He hummed with a smile


"Ohh nothing. Just something that should've been done before you first left the kingdom"

"You dick.."

"Well, I should inform Cursed Crystal. I'm sure he'd be delighted to know that you woke up"

Then Madeleine walked away

I sighed

'I can't die yet. I got WAY too far. I just can't die from a tyrant that wants my magic'

'Or maybe he wants my dragon gem. Maybe he knows that I'm a dragon' (idk if yall know what i mean, but it looks like steam, and it's located on the cheek that their hair is covering)

 Maybe he knows that I'm a dragon' (idk if yall know what i mean, but it looks like steam, and it's located on the cheek that their hair is covering)

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(here's an example of what i mean if you dont know)

(i hc that these gems are the source of every dragon's power)

(ok i'll stop talking now. on with the story)

'I hope I get rescued.. I really don't want ANYTHING I've done to go to waste'

Then I got a flashback


After I stormed off, I stopped by a random tree deep in the forest

When I thought that nobody could hear me, I sat against the tree and started sobbing

"I thought we were friends.." I murmured 

Then I heard footsteps

I looked up and saw Dark Enchantress

Something about her cunning smile set me off, because next thing I knew, I had tackled her to the ground

I grabbed her staff, got up, and pointed it right at her

"Now now, let's be reasonable. I only want to talk" She said in a tone that showed that she didn't care about my obvious anger

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