Chapter 10

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•·.·Espresso's POV·.·•

I was writing down ideas when I started getting memories of the past

I sighed and put my notebook and pen down

"Are you alright?" I heard String Gummy ask

I looked at him

"Yeah.. Just having memories" I muttered 

He sat on one of the arms on my throne, then he slipped onto my lap

"You really should stop thinking about that knight commander" String Gummy said while fidgeting with my cloak

"It's so hard to. He almost got me killed all for some idiot tyrant" I said

"Mx, the guards have found someone creeping around the castle-" Lavender said while entering the throne room

Me and String Gummy blinked

"Sorry am I interrupting something?" She asked sheepishly 

"No no, you're alright" I reassured

String Gummy took my cloak and covered his face

I snorted

"Anyways, tell the guards to put the cookie in the dungeon. I'll see who it is later" I said

Lavender nodded and walked out

String Gummy uncovered his face, then I pat his head

"Hopefully she forgets this" He said

"You're just sitting on my lap" I chuckled

"I knoww, but I bet it looked weird"

"String, Lavender saw me looking at Roguefort's ass. It's fine"

"She what-"

Then we both started laughing

"Anyways, I should get to work. I just realized Timekeeper wanted to see me" String Gummy said while getting off my lap

"Alright" I said

Then he left

"I swear if Madeleine is in that damn dungeon, I'm going to kill him with no hesitation" I grumbled

Then I started walking to the dungeon 

When I got there, I looked at the guard

"Alright, who was the creeper" I sighed

"Someone working for Cursed Crystal" The guard said (damn espresso's about to have a true villain arc rn)

I thought for a bit, then I smiled

'Maybe this cookie will be useful..!'

"Show me the cell the cookie is in" 

The guard nodded and led me to a cell

Then he left

I looked at the cookie in the cell

"What's your name?" I asked while keeping my hands behind my back

"Macadamia" He said


Then I took a small step closer to the cell and smirked

"It's a shame your leader was stupid enough to bring you here" I chuckled while taking his magic just in case he could use it to escape

"He isn't stupid!" Macadamia defended

"Jeez. So defensive over a pathetic cookie that I can easily crumble"

I got rid of my smirk

"I could easily crumble you too, y'know. Even if I was a cookie." I said

Macadamia seemed shocked

"Be honest, did you expect me to be THIS evil?" I asked

"I mean, not really" Macadamia said in a slightly scared voice

"Mmm, figured. Some cookies think cookies that once had morals can't become pure evil, but they can. I'm evidence of that. But enough of all that"

I maintained direct eye contact with Macadamia

"Listen. You have two options" I said

"One, you give important information about the shit Cursed Crystal has going on, or you can rot in this cell" I continued 

"I refuse to be a spy for you. I'm Cursed Crystal's advisor!" Macadamia exclaimed 

I chuckled

"Thanks for that useful piece of information" I sneered

"What could you possibly do with that?" Macadamia asked

"Well, now I know you're powerful enough to be a pretty high rank.. Which means I have more leverage"

I smirked as Macadamia realized what he did

"It would sure be a shame if I took your magic permanently and became even MORE powerful, hm?" I mocked

Then I realized that Macadamia was looking at something behind me

I blinked and turned around to see Madeleine 

Before he could speak, I tackled him

"OW" He exclaimed

I got up and chained him with magic

"You are going to explain why you're here before I murder you" I said 

"I was going to check on Macadamia since he was gone for long. Then I checked here cause.. Y'know" Madeleine said

"Well that was stupid"

I grabbed the chains that were around Madeleine

"VERY stupid" I smirked

"Cursed Crystal's gonna be pissed" Macadamia said

"Shut up before I turn you into a pile of ashes"

I looked at Madeleine

He looked back at me

"Are you considered Cursed Crystal's right hand man?" I asked

"Yeah" Madeleine said

"Good, good.."

"I don't think you should give them anymore information.. They're kinda.. uh.. evil" Macadamia said

"Oh.. right" Madeleine muttered 

"It's funny how you forget I'm evil. It's all your fault y'know" I said

"Yeah yeah"

"Aaanyways, time for you to go into your cell" 

I took Madeleine's magic and stole his sword 

Then I grabbed a key, unlocked a cell door, threw Madeleine in, and locked the door 

"Be good in there! If I come back and you're not here, consider yourselves dead!" I said cheerfully 

Then I left

'Now. How should I put those cookies to good use..'


757 Words

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