Chapter 16

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•·.·Espresso's POV·.·•

As everyone fought, I helped a bit

Then I started sneaking away

'I only have one goal. I need to reach that goal'

Before I could go any further, Madeleine stopped me

"Move" I said

"No. I refuse to let you go any further" Madeleine replied

"Why, so you can keep your dumb king? Well fuck him. Now MOVE"

I summoned dark lightning and hit Madeleine with it

'Gotta love Dark Enchantress' magic sometimes'

"Stay out of my way" I scowled

"No. I will NOT let you do this" Madeleine said

"Fine. Then we shall fight."


We both got ready to fight 

•·.·One short and sweet battle later...·.·•

I noticed that Madeleine couldn't fight anymore

"You tried being the hero again, but you failed" I sneered

"What a failure" I continued 

"I'm not a failure" Madeleine huffed and puffed

"Sure. Now if you excuse me, I have shit to do" I continued

I slightly kicked him, then I walked away

I started hearing stuff from my walkie talkie, so I took it out

"The soldiers are all defeated. What should we do?" Lavender asked

"Walk around the kingdom and make sure nobody tries taking you guys down" I replied


I put away the walkie talkie, then I continued walking to the castle

Everytime someone got in my way, I used magic to make them flee (untouchable untouchable-)

When I got to the castle gates, I used magic to make chains around the two guards, then I threw them to the side

I sighed and entered the castle

When I got in, I kept my guard up 

.•*•.•*•. .•*•.•*•.

When I finally got to the throne room, I took a deep breath and let it out

Then I opened the doors and went inside

"Well well well.. Look who it is" Cursed Crystal said

"I could be saying the same thing.." I muttered

"Let me guess, you've come here to take over the kingdom?"

"Actually, yes. Yes I have"

"Maybe this'll change your mind"

It seemed like he tried to control my mind, so I started laughing

"I have a fuckin chip that prevents me from falling for your pathetic mind tricks. I won't go down easily" I smirked

"Interesting.. We'll have to do this the old fashioned way" Cursed Crystal said while getting off his throne

He glared at me

"There's a reason why I was able to kill Pure Vanilla so easily" He said

I stood there in shock


"Of course he is. How else would I be able to complete my plan with that old man around?" Cursed Crystal smirked


I threw a fireball at him, but he created a forcefield with magic

I scoffed and rolled my eyes

"What? I won't just take your attack" Cursed Crystal smirked

"I am so close to going into my dragon form for this" I muttered

"Why? You think your cookie form can't defeat me now that I won't let myself lose easily?"

"It can. I just want to get this done quickly"

"Leaving would be wise then"

"Tsk. As if"

I glared at Cursed Crystal and got ready to attack

"Jeez. Doing all of this for a kingdom that's rightfully mine. So be it I guess" Cursed Crystal said while getting ready to attack


483 Words

a/n sorry for not updating. i had no motivation. im also pretty sure i have writers block

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