Chapter 2

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•·.·Espresso's POV·.·•

When I was done laughing at Madeleine's burn mark, I walked to the balcony again

I put my arms on the railing and rested my head on them

'I kinda like the view. It's a shame the kingdom itself sucks'

'Where did Pure Vanilla even go?' (6 feet under)

'Everything was better when he was the king instead of that.. pathetic cookie.. who thinks he can just call himself a king'

Then I remembered when Pitaya told me and Mala Sauce about what they did to the Hollyberry Kingdom (btw mala sauce is espresso's sister in this au)

'Maybe I should do that to the Vanilla Kingdom'

'Actually, probably not..'

'Actually I'll just think about it..'

"Heyy wanna see what I just stole?" I heard Roguefort ask (i decided to make roguespresso canon in the au too. so now its espresso x string gummy x roguefort)

"Hm?" I hummed

"10 things from Madeleine Cookie's house"

I looked over at Roguefort

They were looking at me with a smug look while holding some of Madeleine's items

I chuckled

"This is why I love you" I said

"Love ya too" Roguefort smiled

Then they walked away with the things they stole

'Gotta love having a thief as another partner'

"Anyways, stop being emo and come to beddd. Me and String are lonelyyy" I heard Roguefort say

"String Gummy came home already?" I asked

"Yeah, he said that he had a short shift today"

"Ohh alright. I'll be there in a bit"


Then they left

I looked down on the kingdom again

"I don't even need the cookies of that kingdom.. I have all this power, and I have amazing partners" I muttered 

"But why doesn't it feel right??" I continued 

I sighed

"Not much I can do I guess. I'm already evil. And the fact that I absorbed Dark Enchantress' magic isn't helping. I'm sure it's corrupted me a bit. Her magic was pure evil, and absorbing it isn't exactly the best choice" I muttered

I stood up straight again and let my cloak drape over my arms (bro stood up straight even tho they arent even straight)

'It's alright, Espresso.. dragon.. cookie. Just forget about everything for now'

I took a deep breath, then let it out

'Alright. I'm fine now'

I took one last look at the kingdom, scoffed, and started walking to my room


365 Words

a/n sorry for short chapter

(DISCONTINUED) Reign Of Darkness AUWhere stories live. Discover now