Chapter 5

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•·.·Espresso's POV·.·•

"Y'know I'm surprised you didn't burn this entire place down" String Gummy said

"I put a protection spell on this palace cause I knew I would turn into a dragon at some point" I said


"Anyways, I should probably continue being evil. And I should actually make a plan. I originally didn't have one"

"A plan for what?" Roguefort asked

"Anything I guess. Probably taking over the kingdom or something"

Then I realized something 

"I didn't pick my cloak back up.. It has been sitting on the floor for who knows how long" I muttered

"Probably for a while" String Gummy chuckled

"Eh, I'll pick it up when I make my way to my throne"

Then I got up

"Be good, don't make the entirety of the Vanilla Kingdom's army come searching for one of you" I joked

"We won't" Roguefort said

"Uh huh yea"

We all giggled, then I left

"Honestly, I am not rocking this shirt. I need a suit or some shit" I muttered to myself

When I got to my throne, I picked up my cloak and put it on

I took out a random ass mirror

"Hm, this cloak makes it look better I guess" I shrugged

"I do need to fix my hair though" I continued 

I put the mirror away and sat on my throne

"Now.. What should one of my plans be" I muttered

"Mx, some lady wants to talk to you" I heard Lavender say

"Is she from the Vanilla Kingdom?" 

"She said she's from the Cookies of Darkness lair"

I blinked

"I know who you're talking about. Bring her here" I said

"Alright" Lavender said

Then she came back with Pomegranate 

"Well well well.. Look who it is" I said while glaring at her

"Should be saying the same thing" Pomegranate said

"Are you pissed because I killed your 'bElOvEd MaStEr'?"

"Yes, but that is not why I'm here"

I narrowed my eyes

"Tell me why you're here then. And if I don't like it, you're going straight to the dungeon" I sneered

"I've come to ask for a temporary truce, Espresso" Pomegranate stated

"Now why would I accept your little truce?" 

Pomegranate closed her eyes

"You hate this new leader in the Vanilla Kingdom, don't you?" She asked calmy

"Yeah.. I do, why?" I asked

Pomegranate opened her eyes again

"Perhaps we could both work together to stop him.." She said

"And how do you plan on doing that?" I questioned 

"We make disguises and pretend we want to join Cursed Crystal. I have prepared an anti mind control spell just in case we need it"

"Why would we need it though? Also, I already have an anti mind control chip that I made"

"In case we slip up before we could even do anything"


It was silent for a bit

"I still need to think about it." I said

"Alright. You know where to go if you decide" Pomegranate said

"Yeah yeah. Lavender, escort her out" 

Lavender nodded and dragged Pomegranate out

'I don't want to work with my enemy. But, this could mean that I can take down this tyrant quickly'

'I still need to think about this...'


485 Words

a/n sorry that the chapters have been kinda short. the next one might be longer

(DISCONTINUED) Reign Of Darkness AUWhere stories live. Discover now