Chapter 8

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•·.·Espresso's POV·.·•

I was walking back to my room when I got an idea

'I like how this outfit looks.. Maybe I can somehow find a way to be able to shapeshift between this outfit and my normal one'

I smiled and continued walking to my room

When I got to my room, I opened the door

'Looks better than I imagined'

I entered, closed the door, and immediately started working on my idea

.•*•.•*•. .•*•.•*•.

When I finished, I smiled

'Now if I did it right, I'll be able to shapeshift between my disguise and original look'

I shapeshifted into my original look, then I shapeshifted into my disguise

"Perfect!" I smirked

Then Pomegranate came into my room

"Out" I said while turning to her

"No" Pomegranate said


I put my arms behind my back

"Make it quick, I promised I'd check in with my partners" I sighed

"Ok. Anyways, I think the king is on to us" Pomegranate said

"Don't worry, I have a plan b" 

"What is it?"


"Espresso no"

I snorted

"Not everything can be solved like that" Pomegranate sighed

"Yeah yeah" I said

"But how do you know he's on to us?" I continued

"I keep thinking about the way he looked at you when you said your fake name" Pomegranate explained 

"If he is, then that explains why Madeleine said 'hm' when I said my fake name"

"You saw Madeleine?"

"Unfortunately, yes"


"Yeah. Anyways, I hope they don't know. I have to say, stooping down to this level is quite intriguing"

I looked at Pomegranate with a smug look

"Not bad for a cookie's plan" I said jokingly

"Yeah yeah" Pomegranate said while rolling her eyes

I shapeshifted into my original look and pat her on the head 

"How the fuck did you do that??" She asked

"Magic" I shrugged

Then I shapeshifted back into my disguise

•·.·Madeleine's POV·.·•

I went away from Viennese's door

Or should I say Espresso's door (oopsie daisy)

'I knew something was off about them'

"Cursed Crystal is definitely knowing about this" I muttered 

Then I walked away


312 Words

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