Chapter 7

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•·.·Espresso's POV·.·•

When we got to the worshipping room, I subtly cringed

I saw Madeleine, so I did it again

'Of course he's here. He tried defeating me in my dragon form simply because of Cursed Crystal'

I noticed that Pomegranate also seemed uncomfortable about this

Then Cursed Crystal entered

'Ah, there he is. The bitch who's full of himself'

.•*•.•*•. .•*•.•*•.

After the worshipping was done, the guards led us to our rooms

Of course I immediately entered Pomegranate's room to discuss what the fuck just happened

"That was hell" I said in my normal voice 

"Tell me about it" Pomegranate said

"Oh also this is for telling me to be more respectful"

I threw coffee grounds at Pomegranate

"Why??" She asked while brushing the grounds off her clothes

"I can be what I want" I said in a sassy tone


"Now, if ya need anything, I'm going to go get coffee"

"Do you even know where you're going"


Then I walked out

Luckily, I found the break room pretty fast

I entered and made coffee

"So, you must be one of the new ones" I heard Madeleine say

I turned around

"Mhm" I hummed

"What's your name?" Madeleine asked

'Suckmycutoffboobsbitch Cookie is my name'

"Viennese Cookie" I said

"..Hm. My name's Madeleine" Madeleine said

'Bitch if you're suspicious of me, you'll wake up to find yourself in my dungeon'

'I really should've thrown him in there a long time ago actually'

"Y'know your name reminds me of an.. Old friend" Madeleine said

"It does?" I asked

"Yeah. Viennese coffee is espresso with cream. And my old friend's name is Espresso"

"Oh yeah, the king said my name reminded me of Espresso"

I took a sip of my coffee

"What were they like anyways?" I asked

"Well, they used to be good. Then they turned evil and contemptuous. They even gave me the burn mark on my face"

'Of course I am contemptuous. I know I'm fucking better than you'

"Ah" I said

"You kinda remind me of them too in a way. You seem to like drinking black coffee" Madeleine said

"I prefer coffee with cream, but I don't really see any"

"There's some in the bottom drawer in the fridge"

"Ohh thanks"

I opened the fridge, took out the can of whipped cream, sprayed some into my coffee, and put it back

Then I drank it (we gotta appreciate espresso for acting like they dont hate madeleine tho. best actor fr fr)

"Oh, before I forget, what do you go by?" Madeleine asked

"She/they" I answered (this felt weird, but at least i kept the they)

"Ohh ok thanks"


'Fucking snake. Acting all nice. Well guess what, I may be Viennese now, but soon I will be Espresso. And I will put you in your place BITCH'

"So about this Espresso, what happened between you two?" I asked

"Eh, I shouldn't get into it" Madeleine replied

"They did betray the kingdom though" He continued 

'YOU betrayed ME, then I betrayed the kingdom out of spite and anger'

"How could they? The kingdom is perfectly fine" I lied

"It really is. Oh well, they've been known to be picky. As soon as a less soft leader comes, they get mad" Madeleine said

'When the plan comes to an end, I'm beating your ass first'

"I wonder what they would do if you said that to them" I shrugged

"Yeah, same" Madeleine replied

'I wanna say fuck the plan and throw this bitch into my dungeon'

'Also, say that I put you in your place. You won't'

"Well, I should probably get going" I said

"Alright" Madeleine said

Then I left


551 Words

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