Chapter 9

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•·.·Madeleine's POV·.·•

"Your suspicions were correct" I said when I entered the throne room

"Figured. Well, you know what to do. Throw the red one in the dungeon, and bring me the coffee mage" Cursed Crystal 

I nodded, then I left

•·.·Espresso's POV·.·•

"Now get the fuck out" I said

"Fine" Pomegranate said

Then she left

"Glad she knows what her place is" I shrugged

Then I saw Madeleine come in

'Ew. Get out'

"Your majesty has requested your presence" He said

"Mm ok" I said

Then I followed him to the throne room

When I entered, Madeleine left the room

"Alright, cut the crap. I know your secret" Cursed Crystal said while coming up to me

I groaned and shapeshifted into my original look

"What gave it away?" I asked

"Madeleine eavesdropped because I thought you were suspicious from the start" Cursed Crystal said

I facepalmed

"I'm used to his betrayal at this point" I shrugged

Then I realized something

'Pomegranate's probably in the dungeon.. I should save her. Despite me hating her'

'I need to think of a distraction.'

'Wait, I don't need one'

I took off my cloak and wrapped it around my waist

"Catch me if you can, BITCH" I exclaimed

Then I quickly flew away with my wings

•·.·Pomegranate's POV·.·•

I was sitting in my cell when I saw something fly into the dungeon

I was somewhat shocked when I saw that it was Espresso

They walked over to my cell

"Surprised you came" I said

"Yeah, shut up" They sighed

"Now where the fuck is the key" They continued 

"The guy with the key went that way" I said while pointing at where the guard went

"Ok thanks"

Then they flew towards the direction I pointed at

•·.·Espresso's POV·.·•

When I saw the guy with the key, I walked towards him

"Who are you and what are you doing here??" He demanded while pointing his spear at me

"I think it says gullible on the ceiling" I said

The guard looked up, then I snatched the keys

"It doesn't- aaand you stole my keys" He said

I smirked and bitchslapped him with my wing

He kicked my groin, so I stared at him blankly

"I was born a girl" I said in a monotone voice

"Oh" The guard said

Then I chained him with magic and flew away

"Got the keys" I said when I got to Pomegranate's cell

I unlocked the cell door, then she walked out

"Oh also, they were going to execute me" Pomegranate said

I blinked

"FOR FUCKING TREASON???" I exclaimed

"Mhm" Pomegranate hummrd

"For treason, I'd expect life in the dungeon. BUT THE FUCKING DEATH PENALTY???"

"Yeahhh, punishments are worse when a tyrant is in charge"

"I can tell.." 

(just found out that death penalty is a normal consequence for treason)

(oh well. the kingdom was originally ruled by pv. that doesnt apply here)

I got ready to fly again

"Can you manage?" I asked

"I mean, my magic isn't as strong without my mirror. I left it at the lair. So I guess not" Pomegranate said

I facepalmed

"How. How are my kid and my partners cookies.." I groaned

Then I grabbed Pomegranate and teleported back to the Cookies of Darkness lair

"Ok I'm leaving now bye" I said

Then I teleported back to my lair

"Oh, didn't expect you to be back so soon" Lavender said

"Apparently that king is smarter than I thought" I said

"That's interesting"


"PARENT" I heard Strawberry Crepe yell

Then they hugged me

I smiled and hugged them back

"Hey kiddo" I said

"Where were you??" Strawberry Crepe asked

"Attending to.. matters"

"What were they?"

"Committing treason"

"Oh. Sounds fun!"

"It was.. Until it only lasted a bit because Madeleine snitched after he eavesdropped on me"

"He's still being an ass?"

"Yeah. He is"

"Not surprised!"

Then they skipped away

I put my cloak back on, then I sat on my throne

'I really should've beat Cursed Crystal's ass when I had the chance..'

'Oh well. I'd like to fuck with that cookie some more'

I smirked and pulled out a notebook and pen

'Plan plotting time'


613 Words

(DISCONTINUED) Reign Of Darkness AUWhere stories live. Discover now