Chapter 11

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•·.·Madeleine's POV·.·•

"Is there even a way out?" Macadamia asked

"It doesn't look like it" I sighed

"They really made sure we couldn't leave, huh"

"I hate how they're actually a SMART villain. There is absolutely nothing in this cell"

"Nothing in mine either"

•·.·Espresso's POV·.·•

"I have 2 cookies in the dungeon.. What do I do" I muttered

"I could force them to join me just for fun, but that's so cliche. Plus, I don't want Madeleine to work for me. I despise him" I continued 

I sighed and made more coffee with magic

"Being evil can be sooo hard sometimes. I never WANTED this.. Extra WEIGHT" I groaned (ok mx "i shouldve thrown madeleine in my dungeon a long time ago")

"I need to think of something.. Anything" I continued

"Uhh, mx?" I heard someone ask


"..The cookies in the dungeon are escaping with another cookie"

I groaned and drank the rest of my coffee

"I'll deal with it" I muttered

I put the mug in the sink, then I left

•·.·Macadamia's POV·.·•

"We might die" I said 

"They might've been bluffing" Madeleine said


"I rarely bluff" I heard a familiar voice say

We all turned around to see Espresso

"Fuck" I muttered

"Uhh, nothing to see here" Periwinkle said (this is another one of my ocs)

Espresso rolled their eyes... or eye

"Maybe I should kill all three of you. It would probably be the best thing to do" They said

"Especially you, Madeleine" They continued 

"Figured" Madeleine muttered

"You and I still have unfinished business, y'know"

"Was beating my ass in your dragon form not enough???"

Espresso chuckled a bit

"Of course it wasn't! That was only the start" They said

They took a couple steps forward

We backed up a bit

"Hm. Interesting" Espresso muttered

"Shouldn't we run?" Periwinkle whispered

"I mean, they're kinda unhinged.. So maybe" Madeleine whispered

"I can tell"

"Well, enough of this. I have shit to do. I am evil after all" Espresso said 

They gave me and Madeleine our magic back and got ready to fight

"Yeah let's run. This will NOT end well for us" Madeleine said

Then we all ran as fast as we could

•·.·Espresso's POV·.·•

I rolled my eyes when they ran away

"I'm not even going to chase them. I couldn't care less about them" I muttered

Then I walked away

•·.·Madeleine's POV·.·•

"So, I'm assuming they're a big threat" Macadamia said

"Yeah. They're somehow a lot more dangerous than they look" I said (espresso in my conquest au is worse. so your lucky)

"We need to somehow get rid of them"

"But how? They're an entire dragon" Periwinkle said

"Shouldn't we discuss this with Cursed Crystal?"

"Oh, right"

•·.·Espresso's POV·.·•

I was walking to my throne room when I felt like I was going to crash

"Has it really been that long since I slept.." I groaned

"Fuck this stupid crashing thing" I continued

"Alrighttt, no more walking for you" I heard Roguefort say

Then they picked me up

"Rogue, I can manage" I said

"You probably won't make it to bed. You looked like you were walking pretty slowly" They said

"Now come on, let's get you to bed. Being evil can wait" They continued 

As soon as they said that, I blacked out

•·.·Roguefort's POV·.·•

I noticed that Espresso fell asleep

"Told ya so" I chuckled

I continued walking to our room

When I got there, I put Espresso on the bed and tucked them in


522 Words

a/n ik i ended the chapter badly, but i didn't really know how to end it. so yea

(DISCONTINUED) Reign Of Darkness AUWhere stories live. Discover now