Chapter 15

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•·.·The next day, Espresso's POV·.·•

When the clock hit 12 pm, I sighed 

'Everyone has to be awake by now.. I should probably call a meeting so everyone knows what to do'

I got up and put on my cloak

I grabbed the coffee mug I got earlier, refilled it with magic, and walked out

I got a random walkie talkie and began speaking

"Everyone to the meeting room. I'll be right there" I said 

Then I put the walkie talkie away and started walking to the meeting room

When I got there, I sat on my chair and took a long sip of coffee

When everyone else got to the meeting room and sat down, I began speaking

"Since today is the day, I just decided to say a few things" I said

I took out a map of the kingdom and put it down

"Here's the map of the Vanilla Kingdom and the stuff outside of it. We need this so we know how to quickly get there" I stated

Then I turned it so everyone could see it

I gave everyone a good amount of time to look at it, then I rolled it up and put it away

"Anyways, we start invading the kingdom in 3 hours. That should give you guys some more time to prepare a bit more" I said

"Any questions?" I continued 

Everyone shook their heads

"Alright. You all are dismissed" I said while getting up

Then everyone left

I took a few more sips of my coffee and left

•·.·3 hours later...·.·•

"Guys, I'll be fineee" I said

"We know, but this is like.. A lot" Roguefort said

"I'll manage. My parent taught me some fighting skills. Plus, I was literally raised by a dragon. Basically my whole biological family consists of dragons"

"If you need us though, you can call us" String Gummy said

"I will"


String Gummy and Roguefort hugged me, and I hugged them back

"Y'all are acting like I'll be gone for days" I said

"We're clingy" Roguefort smiled

"I can tell. I am too"

Then I adjusted my gloves 

"I should get going. Everyone's waiting. Bye, don't put yourselves on a watchlist" I smiled

We all giggled, then I left

•·.·20 minutes later, Cursed Crystal's POV·.·•

I was sitting on my throne when Madeleine entered the throne room

"Sir, I uh.. Have something to say" He said

"What is it?" I asked

"...The patrol cookies have spotted Espresso coming over here with their followers"



"Go get the soldiers. They all need to be stopped"

Madeleine nodded and ran out

•·.·Espresso's POV·.·•

When we got to the kingdom, I stopped everyone

"Go when I give the signal" I said

Everyone nodded, then I flew up and took out a megaphone

"Cookies of this kingdom. Surrender and accept me as your new leader, or we will attack" I spoke into the megaphone

Then Vanilla Kingdom soldiers came

I saw Madeleine leading them

"We will not. Leave this kingdom and never come back!" Madeleine exclaimed

"Very well then" I said while landing

I put away the megaphone and cleared my throat

"ATTACK" I commanded

Then the battle began 


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