Chapter 14

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•·.·Espresso's POV·.·•

I noticed that everyone seemed a bit surprised 

"Yes, I know. I've never thought about taking over a kingdom. But, Cursed Crystal crossed the fuckin line" I said

"Not even surprised at this point" Lavender muttered

"Yeah, me neither. I should've known this was going to happen eventually. Anyways, I suggest that you all start training"

"When are we going to take over?" One of my followers asked

"I mean, it depends I guess. When do y'all even want to do it? I didn't really think of times"

"Maybe tomorrow?"

Everyone else seemed to agree

"Alright. We'll do it tomorrow. You all are dismissed" I said

When everyone left, I picked up my mug and walked out

I refilled the mug with magic and started walking to the balcony

When I got there, I looked down on the Vanilla Kingdom

"Will this even be a good idea.." I muttered

"Well, I guess I'll see tomorrow" I continued

Then I went back inside

I sat back on my throne and grabbed my notebook and pen

"I won't be needing these ideas anymore" I muttered

Then I scribbled on all of the ideas

Not like there was a lot of ideas to begin with. There was only 3 

I closed the notebook and set it back down on the small table that's next to my throne. I put the pen on top of the notebook (why am i just now revealing that theres a small table next to their throne)

I took a deep breath, then I let it out

'..I'm having some doubts.. Maybe I should tell Pitaya about this'

.•*•.•*•. .•*•.•*•.

After I asked Lavender to watch the lair for me, I teleported to Dragon's Valley. When I got there, I made my way to Pitaya's palace

'Why the fuck does this feel weird.. I literally lived here and I visited a few times'

Luckily, I didn't have to search for Pitaya since they happened to be right there

"Oh, hello Esspressso. I didn't expect to ssee you" They smiled

I smiled back and hugged them

"For a villain, you sure to have a ssoft sspot for me" They joked

I playfully rolled my eyes

"Anyways, I'd like to talk to you about.. Something" I said

"Hm?" Pitaya hummed

"Well.. Today I decided to plan an attack on the Vanilla Kingdom tomorrow so I can take over.."

Pitaya seemed to be happy

"Awww, my child is following in my footstepss!" They said happily

"Yeahh, but I'm having some doubts" I muttered while looking at the floor

"Oh? Why?"

"I just.. Never expected me to want to do this. Cursed Crystal has pissed me off before, but for some reason something he did today really set me off"

"..What did he do?"

"He got Madeleine to kidnap me. Luckily, String Gummy found out and helped me escape"

"That'ss good. I'm glad you found ssome good partnersss"

"Same. They've helped me a lot. But anyways, I just don't know if I should actually go through with this"

"Well, sspeaking from experience, taking over a kingdom iss nice. Plusss, for you, you have followersss that can help sspeed up the processss"

"True.. What was it like when you took over the Hollyberry Kingdom"

"Hah, thosse cookiess did everything for me jussst sso I didn't desstroy their preciousss little kingdom. It was VERY amusssing. Esspecially becaussse they were pretty dessperate"

"That sounds fun, but what do I do in case Cursed Crystal tries taking over again?"

"Threaten to desstroy everything"

I smiled

"Thanks parent" I said

"Of courssse" Pitaya replied

"I should be heading back now.. I kind of need time to prepare for this whole thing"

"Alright. Remember, if you need me, jusst come get me. I'll alwayss be happy to help you"


I hugged them, then I teleported away

When I got back to the lair, I thanked Lavender and sat back on my throne

I took a deep breath, then I let it out

'At least I'm feeling better about this whole Vanilla Kingdom takeover thing'

'I just don't know how I'll pull it off'

'Eh, I'll think about it tomorrow. I just want some time with my partners so I can mentally prepare myself'

Then I got off my throne and started walking to my room


661 Words

a/n shit's about to go down

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