3. "just us"

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december 1, 2022

"it was cute." repeated in my head. no way he said that to me.

julien and jasmine came out of their rooms laughing at us.

"this reminds me of middle school crushes." julien said

i punched his arm and smiled at joão. he was laughing at what julien said.

"i literally just met this man today, i don't know what you guys are even talking about." i said, grinning knowing exactly what they were talking about.

"ok whatever you guys say..cmon joão let's go." julien said rolling his eyes at me.

me and jasmine decided to just go in her room.

it was around 12 am now and me and jasmine have just been talking this whole time.

"are you sure you don't find him like, the slightest bit attractive? because if i was u, i would've already snatched him up." she says

"okay, maybe he is cute.. but i just met him." i said laughing

"and?? be clearly thinks ur fine so just get his number or something, y'all would be cute together.. just saying .." she says, but then she gasps, "just imagine, you going to his games and being a football wife?! like does that not sound cute to you?? and imagine you guys-" i stopped her before she got lost in her imagination.

"jasmine, what?" i said being confused. he plays football? 

"you can be a football wife! you know? like going to all his games and everyone being jealous??" jasmine said smiling at me

"he plays football?" i said 

"girl, hes literally famous. did you not recognize him like at all??" jasmine said as she slapped my arm

i grabbed my phone off of her nightstand and google him. omg. he is. he looks even finer while playing football too how is that even possible??? 

"stop drooling over him and get his number girl." she said, obviously seeing how wowed i was.

december 2, 2022

y/n's pov:

it was now the next morning, i had went to the bathroom and gotten ready. i borrowed some of jasmines clothes and other stuff. she's practically my sister so it wasn't weird to be sharing items. we had all decided to go out to breakfast. we chose ihop, of course. julien sat in the driver seat, jasmine sat in the passenger while me and joão sat in the back. they knew what they were doing as they had a smirk on their face the whole ride.

"pick a song y/n" jasmine said as she handed me her phone. of course, i put on my favorite song , the color violet by tory lanez. 

"hey, i love this song!" joão said. we r literally meant to be fr.

me and joão vibes in the back seat as jasmine and julien laughed at us.

we arrived at ihop and we parked and went inside. 

"hi! welcome to ihop, how many?" the waitress said. she was very pretty.

"4" julien said

"okay! follow me." she said

we followed her and sat down. jasmine and julien sat next to each other, they were planning something. joão let me sit down first and then sat next to me. not to mention, she gave us the smallest booth ever. we were so close. 

"what can i get you guys started with?" the waitress said, looking mainly at joão.

"water please." he said, not phased at this very pretty waitress taking interest in him.

"i'll also have a water" i said.

she finished taking our order and left.

"she's bad." julien said

"ew, can you stop." jasmine said

i laughed at his stupidness.

"don't you think joão?" julien said, smiling at me. he thought he did smth. 🤦‍♀️

"uh, not really?" he said, confused.

i smiled. woah, why did i feel relieved? i felt like i could breathe again. 

we finished eating and the waitress came by and gave us our check, specifically handing it to joão and winking at him.

it had her number on it.

"i'm telling you bro, you got W rizz." julien said.

jasmine smacked his arm. i don't know why i felt like this. why did i feel sad? we aren't dating, or even talking for that matter.

we got back to jasmine and juliens apartment, i was getting ready to leave when joão stopped me.

"hey, can i get your uh, numbers only if you wa-" i stopped him and said,

"of course." i think i was blushing..

he pulled out his phone and i entered my number. 

it's been a few hours and joão still hasn't texted me. did he actually want my number or was it julien that dared him?

i lost myself in thought until


Unknown Number

hey, it's joão :)



joão :)

if u want to, we should hang out again . :)


                                                                                                     sure! like me , u, jasmine and julien?

joão :)

i was thinking just us, me n u 

i felt butterflies in my stomach.

it's abt time 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ me and who fr

bye :))))

also, football = soccer not american football, i just don't know the correct way to put it 😭 futbol or futebol?? ik certain countries say it differently but yk it's all the same sport so 😛😛😛

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