11. "this is different."

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guys i was crying bc they lost help me. my last hope tbh is england or france idc abt the others 🤞🤞 yk if joão needs some support after that loss i'm right here 😉😉😉😉😉 anyways

we all got on a bus that would be taking us to the airport.  it was around 5 am, and it would take us an hour to get there. it was a two seater bus so of course i sat next to joão. he even let me sit at the window seat, in his favorite spot. he says he always sits at a certain one because it's more comfy. i put my stuff away and grabbed my airpods, i put my playlist on shuffle and i just put my left one in for now, so i could hear joão.

eventually, i fell asleep on the window. it wasn't very comfortable. after a few minutes i woke up. i look over at joão and hes laughing at me.

"what's so funny?" i said to him

"that doesn't look comfortable." he said

"it wasn't." i said laughing

"i know what's more comfortable." he said smiling at me. erm.

i gave him a confused look. i didn't know what he was suggesting so that made it worse. he patted his lap, wanting me to put my head on it. without hesitation i did. trust me, it was way more comfy than the window. then, he started to scratch my head. even better.

i woke up to joão patting me. i sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"told you, that was more comfy. you slept for like 50 minutes." joão said as he rubbed the back of my head.

"thanks. wayyy more comfortable." i said laughing at him.

we finally got to the airport. we didn't have to go through security. we just had to go in and to the front desk and they'll take us to our plans. (i'm just too lazy to write airport security so fuck that)

they checked us in and we were taken to ur plane. it was nice asf. i followed joão and he let me sit in the window seat again. i placed my bag up top and sat down. the chairs were so comfy. it was kinda like a normal airplane, just obviously nicer and there was way more leg room. fortunately for me, there was no barrier in between joão. 

"how long is this flight?" i asked joão

"13 hours, or something." he said as he scrolled on his phone.

"oh, i can sleep through half of that." i said as i laid my head on joãos lap.

"you know, they will bring meals." he said

"wake me up when theyre coming." i said as i dozed off

joão was scratching my head which made it 10x better. he took a picture of me sleeping too, in 0.5x.

it had been around 2.5 hours and joão shook me. our first meal was coming. even though it was still early, they gave us mac n cheese that looked very good. they also gave us a bread roll and some fruit. kinda boring but not bad.

i sat in my seat as i ate my food, i was dozing off just eating that's how tired i was. i finished my food and the flight attendant came and took my trash. i put my airpods back in and pressed play on my music. joão was watching some kinda of show and scrolling through his socials. i got sleepy and placed my head on joãos shoulder. 

this time i was only alseep for an hour before joão woke me up. he said that he had to go to the bathroom. i groaned and laid back in my seat, they could even recline. i laid down and watched tiktok. when joão came back he laughed at me. he said i look like a baby. 

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