10. "soon."

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hey cuties ;))

buckle up fr 

joão :)

can we talk

even though this is how joão normally texts, the vibe felt odd. no question mark, no nothing. straight to the point. my heart was beating so fast i'd thought i'd have a heart attack. that's dramatic but i'm just like that. 

i texted him back after a few minutes of stressing.


sure, what's up?

joão :)

i'd rather discuss it in person, come over please


be there in 10

shit bro. what is happening? it has to be serious if he doesn't want to talk about it on the phone. even though i had just seen him earlier, i headed over to his place. blasting my favorite song to ease my mind. i parked my car and took a deep breath. here we go.

i walked up to his door and knocked. i waited a few seconds before he opened the door.

"hey, come in." he said as he moved out of the way. strange. no hug, no kiss? whatever. i took off my shoes and sat down.

"so," i said as the vibe of the room instantly changed "what's wrong?"

"well," he said as he sighed "listen."

i began to shake my leg, i didn't know what words were about to come out of his mouth. he noticed and looked up at me.

"i leave for qatar in 4 days, and let me be honest with you. you know, a lot of stuff has happened with us these past few weeks and i don't want to just leave you for a month." he paused taking a breath, he looked back up at me to make sure i understood. which really i had no clue what he was going to say next.

"i really like you, and once i get back. whether it's in a few weeks if we lose," he said as he laughed "i would like us to be you know, official."

oh my GOD. i felt like i couldn't breathe. the words really hit me. i was happy, but a little disappointed. i had to wait a whole month for this man. but i would wait a year for him. 

"i like the sound of that." i said as i smiled.

"good," he said as he laughed "i thought you would reject me to be honest. but it was worth the shot."

"why would i ever reject joão félix?" i said as i put my hand on his shoulder

"i don't know, maybe i'm just too cute." he said. i punched his arm.

"yeah, you-" i said before i was cut off by his lips on mine.

"i don't know if i can wait a month before i can call you mine." joão said, blushing.

"well you're going to have to." i said as i smiled.

"you should come with me." joão blurred out.

i couldnt tell if he was serious. travelling all the way to qatar with him? if he has to travel with his whole team, i'd have to go with him. i have no idea what qatar looks like or how to find my way by myself. i also didn't want to be a burden.

"am i even allowed to do that? wouldn't you be with your team?" i said, a bit concerned about all of it.

"well, no. but some of my teammates girlfriends can get a pass to come travel with us." he said as he scratched his head. 

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