14. "if u wanted to, u could."

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hey cuties 

i've been awake for 2 hours tryna figure out what to write i'm really written this chapter so many times lord help me

"i need you." he said as he was half asleep. he's like a clingy baby. constantly needing his mother for comfort. i didn't mind, he was so cute. i turned around facing him and gave him a kiss. he sleepily kissed me back as i laid my head on his chest.

"goodnight" i said to him as he felt asleep. 

i woke up at around 9 am, looking around and seeing joão already up and getting ready. he didn't have practice until 4 today. after what happened at the last practice, i don't think i'll be participating. but, i'll still go and help.

"good morning," i said as i yawned "i'm so fucking hungry" 

"you mean hangry?" he said as he was laughing at his own joke

"yes," i said "i'm hangry."

"how about we go get something to eat then?" he suggested

"best thing you've said all morning." i said as i smiled. 

i feel bad for people who have to see me in the morning right when i wake up. especially joão, only because he says the stupidest shit that makes me mad. 

we decided to just door dash some random breakfast place near by. he obviously had to get himself some bacon, he also got pancakes and i got waffles. 

"i wish we had whip cream." he said

"why are you literally a child?" i said to him. he looked up from his pancakes and looked mad. proving my point.

i continued to eat my waffles as he kept glancing to look up at me.

"what?" i said as i noticed

"nothing." he said looking down at his pancakes.

and just like that, we were on the bus heading to practice. we made a deal that we would take turns in the window seat, he had to add on to it by saying everytime they won  a game he gets the seat on the way home no matter what. i agreed and said it was only fair. today, i got to sit in the window seat. 

i put my airpods in and played some music. i laid my head on his lap until the song "or nah" bye the weeknd came on. my cheeks heated up. this was not good timing for this song. i moved around in his lap, feeling uncomfortable.

"stop," joão said as he grabbed my shoulders.

"sorry," i said as i looked up at joão. 

the vibe changed and it felt awkward, but not that kind of awkward. it was more sexual. so i just got up from his lap and looked out the window. i heard joão sigh as he placed his hand on the inner part of my thigh, and it was awfully high up.

after what felt like the longest drive, we were finally there. joão got up off the bus before me and then we headed out. i had to carry some stuff with us to the field.

when they got to the field they started stretching and warming up. i just went on my phone and listened to music. 

i got bored and decided to walk around the stadium that we were at. i was walking til i felt something touch my back.

"joão," i said turning to him "get back to practice!" 

"we have a break," he said "i like your shirt."

i looked down to see what shirt i was wearing, but then joão placed a finger on my chin and tilted it up. did bro just try to rizz me up?

i slapped his arm and said "joão seriously go back to practice."

i laughed at him while he ran away, but then he turned back.

"do you have any water left?" he said a she pointed to my water bottle

"yeah-" i said before he grabbed it out of my hands 

he was all sweaty and he was drinking water, why did i find that attractive?

 "thanks," he said as he threw me back my water bottle "it's gone though."

i went back to the field and took some of their water bottles to fill up. even though practice was almost over i decided just to do it anyway, not like i had anything else to do. i brought back the waters and just laid on the grass. honestly, this would be the most boring but exciting month of my life, if we even stay here that long.

practice was over and i let joão have the window seat, he was exhausted. the whole bus was, they did hella conditioning today. he laid his head in my lap and placed his hands right in between my thighs. he knew what he was doing, he knows how it affects me. that's why he does it.

about 10 minutes later, while i was on my phone. he was moving his hands up and down. i could him breathing heavily, either he was doing it in his sleep or he was pretending to be sleeping. i wouldn't be surprised if he literally hear a purring sound.

we arrived back at the hotel and he hopped in the shower and instantly hopped in bed. 

"goodnight," joão said.

i was watching tiktok until that stupid tiktok audio came up again 

"if you don't let me suck your dick, i'm gonna kill myself-" i turned off my phone and decided to go to bed too.

"i mean-" joão said as he laughed at me "if u wanted to, you could."

shorter chapter but trust these next few boutta be good when i find the motivation to actually write 😛

pls because i would actually take that offer up so fast. like she is meowing rn.


bye cuties see u soon ;))

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