26. "secrets."

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hello cuties *winks*

last chapter gang 💯😰

it had been a little over 2 months since me and joão had been dating. it was the happiest i had been in awhile. nothing too crazy has happened, no jealous fan girls have tried to attack me. although i still get really weird dms.

tonight was going to be a big day for me. i was going to be meeting joão's mom and dad. i was obviously a little nervous. joão had reassured me for weeks that i would be fine, but ofc he would say that. 

i had to pick out an outfit that was obviously appropriate. joão wasn't being helpful, whatsoever.   he would pick out the most revealing outfit and say to wear it. i pushed him out of the room and finally decided on an outfit. i put it on and asked joão what he thought.

"do you think your parents would approve?" i said as i spinned

"not what i would pick," he said "but they better. but if they don't i don't really care."

"you're making me more nervous." i said as i laughed

"i know, i'm just like that." he smirked. what the fuck. that was cringe. 

"don't ever do that again." i said as i visibly cringed.

i had finished up my makeup and hair and grabbed my purse. i made sure i had everything in it and i put my shoes on. joão looked me up and down. my heart was already pounding at 100 miles an hour, he wasn't helping. he could tell i was nervous and laughed. bitch.

"don't be so nervous," he said as he placed a hand on my shoulder "they're going to love you. they've been telling me how excited they are to meet you." 

"i'm literally going to shit myself." i said as we walked to the car. he opened the door for me, what a gentlemen.

"you didn't have to say all of that." he said as he sat down in the driver seat.

"honesty is the best policy." i said as i shrugged 

joão's parents didn't live too far away, only about half an hour. i was spaced out half the time anyways. he would be saying something and i would just nod. he gave up eventually.

we eventually pulled up and i was sweating. why was i actually so nervous? i stepped out of the car and felt the cold breeze. it relieved me a little bit. joão placed a hand on my lower back as we waited for his parents to open the door. my heart at this point was in my stomach, i felt like i was going to faint. girl stfu this isn't going to be that bad. 

as his parents opened the door, i felt a rush of relief. the moment i had been waiting for was here, and i wasn't even nervous anymore. joão hugged his parents and introduced me.

"mom, dad, this is y/n." he said as he smiled at me

"hi mrs and mr félix! it's so nice to meet you." i said as they pulled me in for a hug

"it's so nice to meet you finally!" joãos mother said "joão is always talking about you, you should hear some of the things he says." that sounded a little concerning, but i did want to know what he has been saying.

"we don't have to get into all of that" joão said as his mom pulled out her phone. she shrugged and whispered that she would show me later. i laughed and joão rolled his eyes.

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