13. "i need you."

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guys today was so boring all i've been doing is watching tiktok and reading wattpad 😘😘 

i'm on my period and i think i'm dying guys 🖕

it was game day.

i was nervous for joão and his team, i know i'm not even the one playing but yk. they were playing ghana at 9:30 pm. it was around 8 am now, joão has been in the bathroom for over an hour. the water hasn't ran once, toilet hasn't flushed, and it's silent. i was a little concerned so i knocked.

"joão?" i said as i knocked on the door

he opened the door and instantly engulfed me in a hug. 

"are you taking a shit or something why have you been in there for so long?" i said as i hugged him back

"no, i was just sitting. i am nervous." he said, he wiped his eyes. it looked like he had been crying.

i couldnt really understand him on a personal level, but i knew how he was feeling. his first world cup game ever. i was also a little nervous for him, it's my first time watching him actually play in real life too.

"i know you are, but you gotta get rid of those nerves. i'm sure you'll do great." i said as i rubbed his back as he was hugging me.

i had gotten ready early, since they had to get there early. i got dressed into my green shorts and my portugal jersey. i put on my red converse and called it a day. i did my make-up and did my hair. dayum i'm so cute. 

we had gotten on the bus and i took some pictures of me and joão. i made him do kissy lips and i was laughing so hard at him. then he got payback and took some pictures of me. this man takes the worst photos of me ever and says i look cute in them. 

when we got to the stadium, i made him take pictures of me. 

"yess, get it girl." he said, i visibly cringed.

"okay yeah never mind." i said as i took my phone. i quickly snapped a 0.5x picture of us. yeah, we are cute!! 

"hey, i didn't give you my consent." he said

"i don't care." i said as i took another picture of him

they had quite a while to mess around before the game since we were there very early. i was sitting down in the stadium, i had the best seats you could get. they were all in the locker room prepping and doing their pre game rituals, which i don't want to know what those are. i was on my phone scrolling on my socials until i felt a hand on my shoulder. 

"joão," i said "aren't you supposed to be with your team?"

"no, we finished early. i don't care about seeing them. i wanted to see you." he said as he sat next to me.

"joão, if this is about you being nervous-"

"it's not, i'm fine," he said and he put a hand on my cheek "i just want to be with you before i play."

without hesitation i put my lips on his. after a few seconds he pulled away.

"hey, not here." he said as he looked around

i laughed at him.

more people started to fill the stadium up, the game was about to start. they were playing the national anthem. and just like that they started, it was pretty slow. no goals until the 65th minute when ronaldo scored on a penalty. the whole side cheered. seeing all of the team running together in person was such a surreal experience. 

portugal was on the lead until ghana has scored. but just a few minutes later, 

"GOALLLLLLLLLL!!" the commentator said "JOÃO FÉLIX WITH THE GOAL!!" 

joão went running and blew a kiss at me and slid on his knees. 

"OH MY GOD!" the girl behind me said "JOÃO I LOVE YOU!!" uhm girl. anyways.

i just got to witness joãos world cup debut plus his first wc goal. i was jumping up and down in excitement. 

the game ended 3-1 with portugal winning. i was so happy for them, they played so good. basically everyone left and i was waiting for them to be done in the locker room. they all came out with a smile, the last one out of course was the one and only joão félix. he ran up to me and gave me a huge hug. 

"i'm so proud of you" i said as i hugged joão

"i did it, for you." he said smiling at me. most of his team was already watching us so i decided i'll give him a kiss later. 😛😉

on the way back to the hotel i let him have window seat for that victory. 

"hey," joão said "since we won i get to lay in your lap." 

he laid his head in my lap as i laughed at him. i rubbed his back as he drifted off. 

"now i know why you like this so much." he said as he yawned.


we got back to hotel, and joão was slumped. i could hear him snoring a little. i woke him up by shaking him.

"joão, wake up. we're back."

"hmmm." he groaned.

he eventually got up, making us the last off the bus. we finally got back to our room. it was really late, so the coaches changed their practice to 4 pm the next day. 

joão quickly got in the shower and changed back into his sweats, thank the lord. i changed into my pajamas and got ready for bed too, i was tired just from watching.

"thanks for the support today," joão said as he turned to face me "i really needed it."

"of course, that's what i'm here for." i said

"did you see me after the goal?" 

"duh, how could i not? my eyes were on you the whole time." i said smiling at him

he yawned and smiled at me. 

"i'm tired, goodnight." i said as i closed my eyes and faced the other way.

i was peacefully sleeping until i felt a pair of cold hands on my waist. not again joão.

"joão," i said "again?"

"what?" he groaned "i need you."

why's my back arching??

he could literally **** *** **** *** ** ** *** *** ** ***** **** *** ****** **** ** *** * **** ****** * **** **** *** ****** ** ** ***** ***. 




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