20. "you still owe me."

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HEY!! guys i'm so sad the world cup is over wtf do i do with my life..


anyways, i'm thinking of posting the intro for my imagines book that is coming out. so u can send requests n stuff 😇🥰🫶

"can you come over here?" i heard his tired voice say, he sounded raspy. i love it.

ofc, with no hesitation i got up out of my bed and laid next to him. he opened up the blanket so i could get under. it was freezing in this room, but he felt room. i cuddled up next to him and placed a hand on his bare chest.

"you're so warm." i said

"you're so cold" he said as he placed a hand on my back

i laid my head back down and closed my eyes. i couldnt fall asleep since joão kept moving. i could feel him breathing on my head.

"joão," i said as i yawned

"hm?" he groaned

"stop moving. go to sleep." i said as i rubbed his back

"i cant," he said as he yawned "i'm nervous"

i understood why. the finals were tmrw. i knew he would be stressed. it was going to be a tough game. 

"i know, but you need to sleep so you can play ur best tmrw." i said as i kissed his forehead.

i heard his breathing getting heavier, i knew he was finally asleep so i closed my eyes and fell asleep.

it was today. the finals. i was so scared for joão. the whole bus there was silent. everyone had their headphones in and they all looked nervous. i had my phone in and i laid my head on the window and closed my eyes. i had the craziest dream, it was something about me and joão. i couldn't remember exactly what happened but i woke up and we were at the stadium.

they all went in the locker room while i sat down in my seat. i had the perfect view of the stadium. it was beautiful. i was looking around til i saw joão on the field. he made a heart with his hands and blew a kiss towards me. he laughed at me as i flipped him off. payback. 🤷‍♀️

as they were warming up, joão was just dancing. crazy how he went from silent and all nervous to him dancing on the field. the game was about to start and i could see all the players tearing up as the national anthems played. 

the whistle blew and it was crazy already. it was a little boring until portugal scored the first goal.   in the 10th minute ronaldo had scored.

"SUIIIII" the crowd yelled

in the 15th minute, joão scored. he slid across the field and flashed a smile at me. i was so happy for him. the game is already going great. 

it was 2-1 still, messi scored for argentina. messi had scored again, making it 2-2. for most of the game it was tied. they had gone into overtime until,

joão scored. 

he had barely just gotten it in. the whistle blew. it was over. all over portugals team ran to joão and they piled on top of him. most of them were crying. they did it, they won. YK WHAT THAT MEANS 😛😛😛. anyways.

the whole bus ride to the hotel was crazy, everyone was screaming and cheering. i was so proud of joão, and their whole team in general. 

we got back to the hotel room and we had to pack up. we were leaving tomorrow morning. i cant believe it's already been a month. a month with joão and his team, a month of struggle but also success. 

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