12. "i'm even luckier."

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2 chapters in one day i'm spoiling u guys 😝😝

anyways france is boutta win the world cup 2 years in a row ‼️‼️

"this is different." was the last thing i heard joão say before i fell asleep. sleeping in his arms helped me sleep better if i'm being honest. having the comfort of somebody else, and knowing it's somebody you love.  


both of our alarms went off. 

"shut the fuck up." i mumbled as i slammed my hand on my phone.

"aggressive." joão said as he got up.

"fuck you and the alarm." i said as i stretched. 

"somebody isn't a morning person." he said as he laughed at me

obviously i was not, i get so angry in the morning (real). that's why i let my body wake up on its own, alarms make me pissed off.

"hurry, we are leaving in 30 minutes." he said as he brushed his teeth.

i got up and put on some althetic shorts and a sports bra. i decided to put a jacket over it but i'd probably take it off when i got too hot. today it was supposed to be around 23 degrees (celsius). which for december, was pretty warm. i put on some nike socks and my converse. i cant live without my converse. i even brought my red ones with me.

the team all arrived on the bus and we all sat down and we made sure we had water, water bottles, towels, balls (😛), and the equipment.

it wasn't that far to the stadium. only around 20 minutes. they were practicing at this stadium since it's the one they'd be playing at tomorrow, of course. i decided to just go on my phone and listen to some music. joão was looking out the window, i let him sit in the window seat this time. he looked like he was thinking about a lot. 

we arrived at the stadium and we all went inside. it was nice. all the players went on the field and started to stretch. i just sat on the sideline watching. i listened to my music too, obviously. futebol looked like too much work for me, i used to play when i was little. then i got older and mostly just hated running. in high school i started to play again and i play defense, i was on varsity all 4 years then i quit and decided it wasn't for me. sometimes i wonder what would've happend if i didn't quit.

it had been 20 minutes out of their 2 and a half hour practice. yuck. they took a break and got some water. it was getting hot so i took off my jacket and just laid on the grass.

"you aren't even playing, how are you so hot?" joão said

i laughed because obviously that could have two meanings, "because it's hot out here." 

"no shit." he said as he wiped sweat off his forehead

"don't be salty," i said as i pushed his arm "get back to practice idiot." he flipped me off as he walked away.

they continued to practice. i don't know what's wrong with him, but joão kept falling. the field wasn't slippery or anything. he is so dramatic. i saw one person him a tiny bit and he went flying.  i just took a ball and sat on it and rolled around on it.

the last 30 minutes of practice they scrimmaged. joão was in his own world, he scored and did a cart wheel. i hadn't done much this practice besides fill up water bottles and get balls. i was laying down on the grass watching them when joão came running up to me.

"you should play," he said "pleaseee. that would be funny."

"what?" i said "me getting killed would be funny?" 

"hey," he said patting my head "maybe you will do good who knows." 

i shook my head no, but then he got up and told them i was going to play anyways. and they didn't even put me in as a forward, or even midfield. but no, they made me play keeper. it was time for my inner ochoa to shine. but i wasn't even on joãos team, he said he wanted to score on me.

i was standing at the goal as joão was running up. i was scared, he was probably trying to hit me right on the face. he was getting closer and closer and then he kicked it. i screamed and it hit me in my stomach. i fell to the ground and laid in a star position. i felt like i had just gave birth to triplets, would that make them joão's babies? anyways. 

joão's mouth dropped open, and so did everyone else's. i didn't feel like getting up, i just laid on the ground. it's not like it hurt that bad, but it did hurt. joão ran over to me and helped me get up. 

"uh," he said awkwardly "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to hit you."

"okay joão." i said laughing

"i'm serious!" he said getting defensive

"i'm just kidding, it's fine." i said before i stopped walking "can you carry me." 

and so he did, it was the least he could do. he felt really bad, but honestly i've felt worse. if it was at my face, i probably would've cried. 

we were on the bus back to our hotel and i laid in joão's lap. he gave me a blanket, i don't know where he got that from but thanks. the bus started to smell, too many sweaty guys on one bus for my liking. i could tell it wasn't joão, since he still smelled like his cologne. 

when we got back to our hotel, i laid down on my bed like a star fish. joão said he was going to hop in the shower. after he was done, i got in. i blasted my music so loud that the whole hotel probably heard it. 

"is your music loud enough?" joão said to me as i walked out of the bathroom.

"couldve been louder." i said as i shrugged my shoulder.

i laid down in my bed and looked over at joão. he looked anxious.

"what's wrong?" i said to him

"i'm nervous," he said "i don't want to lose."

"hey," i said as i got up and sat next to him "you guys will do great, plus, you could tomorrow and still make it to 16s."

"i know," he said as he sighed "but i don't want to let my family down. or you." 

"you won't let me down," i said "i'll be proud whether you guys win or lose. at least you tried, right?"

"i guess." he said 

i kissed him, it felt like it's been awhile. i pulled away and gave him a hug.

"i'm lucky to have you." he said as he kissed my head

"i'm even luckier." i said as i laid down next to him.

guys this world cup has been so unpredictable......

the next world cup is in my city guys i might just have to go 🤞🤞🤞

joão better be playing in 2026 😔😔

anyways bye

plz lord give me a man that is joão félix 😍😍

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plz lord give me a man that is joão félix 😍😍

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