16. "i cant help it."

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hi guys !! i'm sorry if i don't upload as often this week. i have finals and i'm hella stressed out 😭😭 ill still try to make one chapter a day if i can ok bye

guys, no smut this chapter but it's literally in the drafts for when that part of the story comes dw plz don't kill me! 🤗

"you're obsessed with me, aren't you?" 

"of course i am, you're joão félix." i said

"ok fan girl." he said as he rolled his eyes

"yeah, i'm ur #1 fan girl don't hate." i said as i wrapped my arms around his chest

he smiled at me and kissed me forehead.

"you'll always be my #1 fan girl."

i woke up on the edge of the bed. i look over to see joão on the bed, MY bed, laying like a star fish. i moved just a little bit and rolled off the bed. 

"fuck." i said as i got up

"hm," joão groaned "why are you on the ground?"

"you take up the whole fucking bed." i said as i laid back down.

"are you calling me fat?" he said, he pretend to be offended

"yes." i said as i looked at him

as we were on the bus heading to the next game, i laid my head on joãos lap. ever since yesterday, i found it funny to mess with him. i knew what i did to him. most of the time i do it on purpose, but sometimes it was genuinely an accident.

i laid my head down right on his crotch. he knew what i was doing as he tensed up. i laid my hands on his knees. i rolled my head around slowly, yk bc my neck hurts!!

"stop," he said as he grabbed neck lightly 

"what?" i said as i laughed "my neck hurts, from you pushing me off the bed."

"mhm, sure." he said as he smirked at me "i can make your legs hurt too." 

he blurted that out a little too quickly. he had definitely been thinking about that for awhile.

"oh," i said as i blushed "bet."

as we got to the stadium, i sat up and stretched. joão looked at me.

"you almost hit me with your long lanky arms."

"i don't give a fuck." i said as i grabbed my stuff.

we got off the bus and they all went to the field. they started warming up and stretching. i decided to go for another walk around the stadium. since each game was at a different stadium, they all had a different layout so i decided to just walk around each of them. they were all really pretty tbh.

after my walk, i went back to my seat. todays game was ass, if i'm being honest. joão didn't play and they lost. it was against south korea. during the first few minutes we got a goal and i thought that would be a good thing, but shortly after korea got a goal. it was tied for most of the game until overtime when korea scored again. 

i waited for him outside of the locker room. obviously he was pissed. he was literally just rambling the whole way back to the hotel. he was laying in my lap and i could feel his lips on my legs. not helping. i put my hand over his mouth.

"shh," i said "it's fine." 

"no it's not, just let me fucking talk." he said as he removed my hand from his mouth. 

what the fuck. i get hes angry but damn. my eyes watered, i don't know why. damn i look stupid asf.

"sorry," he said looking up at me "i'm just mad, i didn't get to play and we lost. i just feel bad. im really letting everyone down."

"joão," i said as i looked into his eyes "it's not your fault, dont be blaming yourself. it's okay. you can still make it past the group stage."

"i know," he said as he put his hands over his eyes "i just really want to win."

"i wonder why." i said as i laughed at him

"hey," he said "that's not the only reason."

after i had gotten out of the shower, of course, joão said he had to piss super bad. i told him to wait just one second. 

"please! i cant." he said as he banged on the door.

i opened up the door, i saw him waiting there as i was in my towel. he looked me up and down for a second until i said,

"so? you going to go pee or just stare at me?"

"right," he said as he pushed me out of the way "thanks."

i sat down on my bed and waited for him to finish peeing. after he was done he came out and looked back at me.

"did you even wash your hands?" i asked him

"uh, no." he said as he looked at me

"your disgusting." i said as i laughed at him.

"you probably dont either!" he said

"i don't have a dick, though."

"i can give you some." he said as he shrugged

oh hell nah. but yes pls!

"you're so horny, all the time." i said


i got changed and laid down under my sheets. i was super tired so i decided to go to bed now.

"goodnight," i said as i faced away from him.

"why so early?" joão said

"because i'm tired, duh."

"i can make you more tired." he said as he laughed.

i looked at him with a disgusted look.

"stop with the sex jokes, you freak." i said as i turned away.

"sorry," he said still laughing at his joke "i cant help it"

this chapter was ass and it's short sorry ok bye 😛

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