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300 years ago...

Narylfiel studied herself in the full length mirror in her sister's room where for the past hour, Thaliniel and her attendants had been brushing and braiding her chestnut brown hair into a soft fall of curls. Gone was the wide-eyed elfling that first came to these halls, and in her place stood a tall, confident elleth. She gave the mirror her best confident smile. Well, at least Narylfiel hoped she exuded confidence.

To say that she was excited about the evening's feast for her coming of age celebration would be a vast understatement. She had been looking forward to this evening ever since last year's name day. Her father and aunt had already come up from his vineyard for the festivities and planned on staying for a fortnight to see her induction into the Forest Guard.

She and King Thranduil had planned all the details together. At first, she had been pretty surprised to learn of Thranduil's secret love of planning events; he usually chose all the details for the feasts and dances at the palace, letting most people believe that his chief of staff Galadhor handled the arrangements. But since Narylfiel shared the king's love of planning and plotting, they had become even closer, bonding over long afternoons as they pored over menu choices and carefully plotted seating arrangements for the feast.

The door opened behind her, and Narylfiel quipped, "Did you get lost again?" Thaliniel was supposed to be back half an hour ago.

"A king never gets lost," Thranduil answered in that deep voice of his.

Narylfiel turned around with a grin. "I thought you were my sister!" she exclaimed, her eyes lighting up.

"Now, I have not been mistaken for anyone's sister in a very long time," he teased, not that anyone would really mistake him for an elleth tonight. Even though Narylfiel had grown much over the years, he still stood a good head and then some over her, and tonight he looked impossibly regal and broad-shouldered in his tailored to perfection silvery tunic.

"Well, what do you think?" she asked and curtsied in her long gown, made to the latest style.

The king stepped back and appeared to appraise her very seriously. "Hmm... Something seems to be missing," he concluded.

Narylfiel's head snapped toward the mirror. "What?" she asked, paranoia creeping into her voice. She thought she looked decent, but surely the king would know better!

"Some jewelry, perhaps?" suggested Thranduil, and he pulled from his pocket a lustrous circle of gold and white gems. "May I?" he asked.

Narylfiel could hardly nod; she was so overcome with delight and surprise at his generosity.

"Legolas, your sister, and I-we are all just so very proud of what you have become, Narylfiel," he told her as he placed the necklace around her neck. "You have grown into a truly lovely young lady, and I am very thankful for the day you came to my halls."

"Oh, Thranduil," Narylfiel started but felt her eyes tearing up at his admission. "I-"

He pulled her into a slight hug, careful not to muss her dress. "No tears, Narylfiel, for tonight will prove to be the most glorious name day celebration you've had yet!" he promised her.

"Thank you, my king," said Narylfiel, still feeling a little misty-eyed. "Thank you for everything, Thranduil-for putting up with all my silliness, for letting me visit you all those times in your study when I was little, when I must have been quite a nuisance to you!"

"Never," he declared solemnly and caught a stray tear on her cheek and lifted it off with his finger. "Well...maybe there were a few times..." he deadpanned, but his eyes were merry.

Kingsfoil [Thranduil] LOTRWhere stories live. Discover now