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You guys, this chapter is the LONGEST yet

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You guys, this chapter is the LONGEST yet...and so fluffy, like seriously the fluffiest. I just couldn't stop myself. 🤦‍♀️

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Three hundred years ago...

Legolas knew he was in trouble before he ever received the official summons from Galadhor. He'd known it as soon as he heard the satisfying crack at the end of his fist and the subsequent howl from Eorn; he'd known what the consequences would be before he ever threw the first punch, before he ever saw the mix of stunned and horrified faces of the other guards in the barracks bunk room. Now he had a meeting with the king-—not his father, mind you-—the king and commander of the Woodland armies.

When he entered his father's study, Captain Beriadan and the king stood waiting, their faces solemn.

"Prince Legolas, I have called this meeting with the king to issue you a formal reprimand," Captain Beriadan said. "You stand accused of fighting in the guards' barracks. Two other guards were involved; they both claim that you attacked them without provocation. Do you have anything to say in your defense?"

Legolas stood straight and resolute as he met the king's eyes. "No, Captain Beriadan. It happened as you say."

The Captain shared a look with the king and then spoke: "Prince Legolas, your service to this point has been honorable; however, I recommend to the king that your record reflect that you have been disciplined on this day, with the understanding that any further disciplinary action will result in loss of rank or even dismissal from the guard."

"Yes, Captain." Legolas said quietly.

King Thranduil to this point had watched without comment, his eyes cool. "Thank you, Captain. Legolas, a word before you go."

With a sinking feeling, Legolas watched the captain leave and braced himself for what his father would say.

He did not have to wait long. As soon as the door shut behind the captain, the Elvenking turned on his son.

"Really, Legolas? Fighting in the barracks? You're the prince of the realm. What did you think you were going to prove?" Thranduil folded his arms in disapproval.

"Father, I wasn't trying to prove anything," Legolas replied quietly.

Thranduil inclined his head as he studied his son. "Beriadan tells me that you stormed into the barracks, yelling for the two other elves to come out and when they did..." he glanced down at the report the captain left " broke both their noses." He looked up, met his son's eyes, and pure steel was in his voice. "Why?"

Legolas' mouth drew into a thin line. "The other guards, Drethor and Eorn, They had been running their mouths for weeks about Narylfiel, ever since she joined the guard—during training, while sparring, talking about how they couldn't wait to get into the ring with her, bragging about how they were going to teach her some moves." Legolas finished with a huff.

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