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Three hundred years ago...

"I recommend Narylfiel for placement in the Forest Guard, Father," Legolas said and pushed forward his list of candidates for the king's approval.

Thranduil looked up from his desk, clearly surprised. "I thought you said she would not be ready for placement until next year."

"That was last year," Legolas said patiently. "In all fairness, she has become one of our best new recruits. Whatever she lacks in strength, she makes up for in tenacity."

The king reached for his royal seal and a stick of dark green sealing wax. He would mark each commission thus, recognizing and honoring the new warrior's commitment to serve the kingdom. He marked the first four without a second thought, but when he reached Narylfiel's, his hand faltered.

He sat the seal down while Legolas eyed his hesitance with a certain degree of impatience. Thranduil neatly placed her commission to the side while he finished stamping the others. Once finished, he slid hers before him again but did not move to pick up the sealing wax. Instead, he rolled the seal back and forth in his open palm and asked his son, "Legolas, is she truly ready to serve?"

"I would never have recommended her service if she had not been up to the task," said the prince with an aggrieved look.

"I trust your judgment, of course, son," the king said, but he made no motion to pick up the seal. After a thoughtful pause, he added, "Narylfiel is still very young, impetuous."

"Father, do not-" Legolas stopped himself and tried a different approach. "I know that you care about her deeply. We all do. Thaliniel has her own doubts as well, but we both believe that Narylfiel should have the opportunity to prove herself."

Thranduil nodded reluctantly. "I know she is capable. I have watched her on the practice field myself, yet I find myself hesitant to let her go in harm's way."

Softly smiling, Legolas rolled the sealing wax to his father. "If you remember, you were the same way with me."

"I cannot help but want to protect those that I love," acknowledged Thranduil, his eyes unapologetic. He knew he tended to be over-protective, especially with Legolas. He had kept his own son from joining the guard for four hundred years, and that respite had only ended after Legolas ran away from home, coincidentally meeting Thaliniel, and of course, her sister.

"Narylfiel is extremely fortunate to have the king of the Woodland Realm looking out for her best interests," Legolas pointed out, "even if she may not always see it that way."

The king met his son's eyes and smiled wryly. They both knew Legolas spoke of himself.

Thranduil took the sealing wax, heated the stick over the candle on his desk and dripped the wax onto the parchment. He quickly pressed his royal seal into the wax, before he could think better of it.

"Keep her close, son. Keep her safe," advised Thranduil, and Legolas nodded his agreement and then left with the commissions to be awarded in the induction and oath ceremonies to take place later that week.

With Legolas gone, Thranduil's smile faded. He could not imagine how dull the palace would become when she eventually left. Over the years, he had become accustomed to her bright smile teasing him not to take himself too seriously, her sense of fun and humor-her companionship.

"She makes me feel young again," Thranduil realized aloud, to no one but himself. Then he rose from his desk, poured himself a very full glass of a particularly dark red wine, and left his study, taking the wine with him on the way. He would go to the shooting range and work out some of his frustration. Yes, that was the very thing!

Kingsfoil [Thranduil] LOTRWhere stories live. Discover now