Extra Special Bonus Secret Scene

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Dear Readers,

I know it's only been less than a week since I updated Chapter 58, BUT I thought I might throw an extra SPECIAL BONUS secret scene your way because I love you and I am still feeling remorse and guilt for the slow updating. You'll be happy to know that I already have 4 pages written on the next chapter, and it is going to be a doozy.

But for now... Extra special BONUS secret scene. This is a scene that I have been writing off and on for the past THREE years. I'd write a little and then stop. Write a little and then stop. It just kept getting longer and longer. Too long to use for a flashback in the story. I never finished it until today.

. - . - .

In this excerpt from Kingsfoil waaaay back in Chapter 5, Thranduil receives a letter from his son, and Legolas tells him about joining the Fellowship:

Galion, the king's butler, broke the uneasy quiet by knocking quickly and then rushing into the room.

"This letter just arrived, your majesty. It's from Lord Elrond's messenger pigeons! It must be from Prince Legolas," he exclaimed excitedly.

His heart pounding, Thranduil immediately stood and took the letter, breaking the seal and turning away from the others to read it. Galion silently slipped from the room, and as much as Narylfiel wanted to seize the opportunity to sneak out as well, she just couldn't bring herself to leave. She knew how much Thranduil had longed for a letter, or any news of his son.

Thranduil felt bile rise to his throat within his first glance at the beginning lines...

'Dear Father,

I wanted to write you much earlier, but Lord Elrond insisted that we send no news that might be intercepted by the enemy. I cannot tell you any specifics, but I will shortly be leaving Imladris to help Estel and Gandalf with an important task. I will be gone for some time...'

He quickly passed the letter off to Narylfiel, who had come to stand by his side as soon as Galion left, as soon as she watched his face visibly pale in a matter of seconds.

"I need a moment," Thranduil said. His usually melodic voice sounded frail, and his hands were shaking as he went back to the side table again and this time poured himself a very stout drink. Miruvor. He dropped down on the settee, and Narylfiel took her place beside him. She covered his hand with her own, began to read aloud:

'Dear Father,

I wanted to write you much earlier, but Lord Elrond insisted that we send no news that might be intercepted by the enemy. I cannot tell you any specifics, but I will shortly leave Imladris to help Estel and Gandalf with an important task. I will be gone for some time.'

Narylfiel stopped and swallowed hard, her voice failing her until the king squeezed her hand. She bit her lip and then continued:

'I know that you wished for me to return quickly, but please understand that is something I cannot do. There are things in motion, Father, which may rule the fate of us all, and if I can serve a cause that may save the lives of so many whom I hold dear, it is a risk I would take many times over. Thaliniel plans on staying in Elrond's house, for the road back home has grown too dangerous.

Father, I wished to tell you this in person, but time has run so short, now I fear I may never have the chance. Thaliniel is with child. She and I decided we must try shortly after Elrond's council. She could not bear the thought something happening to me. We both draw comfort in knowing that I would still be with her in some small way.'

Narylfiel gasped, and tears swam in her eyes. She leaned against Thranduil and choked back a sob. Thranduil took the letter from her hands and finished reading, though the words came to him bitterly:

'I know that many times in my youth you thought me impulsive, reckless. I hope you can understand now that the road I take, the choices I have made, are the result of many sleepless nights, of tortured deliberation over what is right, over what is selfless. I think of you often, and Thaliniel sends her love to her sister.

My heart will always belong to Mirkwood, to our people, to my king. I do this for us all.

Your son,


"This letter sounds like goodbye." Narylfiel's voice was muffled, her cheek pressed into the king's sleeve.

"I cannot—I just...I have nothing. There is nothing I can say," the king concluded, letting the letter drift from his grasp and onto the rug. He stared at the flames on the hearth and wished for some other alternative, or that his cares might drift away, like sparks rising with the smoke up into the night. He thought of the ships at the Grey Havens and distant green shores.

But these thoughts lasted only for the briefest of moments, for the king's eyes beheld his dear friend still by his side. A fierce light burned in her eyes, like she was willing herself not to cry in front of him. This time Thranduil did not think at all but pulled her into his embrace.

They stayed that way until the fire burned down to embers.

. - . - .

My new extra special BONUS Secret Scene fits within the context of the scene above. If you would like to read it, make sure you follow my profile, and then go to my Hidden Book called Kingsfoil: The Secret Scenes.

PS. Umm. I got a message from a reader who was too embarrassed to ask this in a comment, and it got me to thinking—maybe other readers are wondering the same thing? Her question was: Are the secret scenes just smut? Or are they content related to the story that I need to read?

The answer is: Actually all of the secret scenes are PG. No smut (Unless you would want to read some?, LOL) but most of the secret scenes are anecdotes to larger events happening in the story.

Meanwhile, I'll be busy working on that next chapter! Looking forward to hearing from you!



PPS. How's this for ironic? This week, Kingsfoil's highest story ranking is #4 in the...Dwarves category! 😂 (Don't tell Thranduil. He'd be utterly destroyed!)

 He'd be utterly destroyed!)

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