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Third Age, 2600

Narylfiel sat on the edge of her small bed and hugged her stuffed rabbit to her chest. Thaliniel was so bossy. Just because she was the older sister, she thought she could make Narylfiel do whatever she wanted.

Go straight to bed, Narylfiel, she had told her. No more staying up late for you!

From her open window, Narylfiel could still hear laughter and songs being sung down in the pavilion. It just wasn't fair.

She crossed the room and climbed up onto the seat by her window, peering down to where she could see a jolly fire. Thaliniel was still there, of course, looking entranced as those dashing elves from Rivendell sang another song about a pair of brothers who went on an adventure.


Narylfiel had heard and read enough stories to know that the hero never had an exciting adventure by staying home and going to bed. No, adventures happened when you left! When you let your feet take you down a wandering road to who knows what kinds of exciting places.

Thaliniel just did not understand. Narylfiel knew her sister did not want to be tied to their father's vineyard forever; only she was too scared to do anything about it.

But Narylfiel was not scared.

Her eyes flicked to the sight of the fire, the elves singing merrily around it, and behind them, their large covered wagon. The Rivendell elves would be leaving in the morning, she had heard her sister say so to Locien, the messenger elf from the Elvenking.

Only...and Narylfiel smiled to herself...she knew that Locien was not really a mere messenger for the King. She had overheard him say so to those Rivendell elves. He was really a prince, Prince Legolas. And from what she had seen, Prince Legolas was even more in need of an adventure than she was!

Narylfiel sat on her little window seat for quite some time, her eyes fixed on the dark canvas of stars over the treetops of her father's home, the melodies of singing and harping blending into the background of the wind and the occasional cricket, but her mind drifted over thoughts of her sister, Prince Legolas, not to mention her hunch that Thaliniel was very taken with the prince, and herself. They could all benefit from a dose of adventure, she decided, but what could ever induce her staid older sister to get out of the house? What plan could Narylfiel devise that would let her have a little adventure of her own as well?

Narylfiel stood up and wandered over to her bed. Bun looked up at her, his tired button eyes challenging her to do something. Anything! She touched the edge of her nightgown, still folded on the bed, and then met Bun's eyes.

"You are right," she told her stuffed rabbit. "There's a whole big world waiting for me out there." Narylfiel chewed on her lip while she deliberated with Bun looking on impatiently. Then she turned from her bed, pulled her cloak off its hook, and headed for her bedroom door.

"Thaliniel needs all the help she can get," Narylfiel told Bun as she tied her cloak around her neck. "I am doing this for her."

But Bun, ever wise, knew that Narylfiel needed a little adventure of her own. He did not say so of course, but watched her go and smiled to himself.

- . - . -

March 7th, 3019

Narylfiel quickly penned a note to Almea, warning her to be careful; she worried that Almea, since her public display and grievance, might be an obvious next target. Narylfiel was almost certain that Filron had been chosen because he had not been very subtle with his disapproval. So far her enemy had targeted, well, her other enemies. She quickly folded the letter up, quite sure that Almea would wrinkle her nose at Narylfiel's slovenly penmanship. She smiled to herself as she melted the wax to seal the note. Better alive via sloppy writing than dead with none, she thought.

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