Chapt. 1

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TW!: Mentions of Alcoholism, Traumatizing childhood, Selfharm, blood, wounds and Abusive/mean/Not good parents.

Ranboo's POV.

The rain fell heavily to the ground, roof and on objects outside, outside from the barrier of my glass window that I continiously stare out of. I felt empty, it's a normal feeling at this point. The whole world fades out as I fade into an oblivious thinking, I felt safer here. Until I hear a buzzing noise next to me makes me snap back into reality instantly.


Hey, What are you doing?😃

 And then there's him, My only true friend.


Nothing much... Just listening to the pouring rain.


Same... It's always raining here in Brighton nowadays... It's quite depressing.


I know... But, what if I come over too you? Then It'll be less depressing, or?


Yes! I'd love too. Thanks, bud.


No problem, I'll be there in about 10.


I stood up from my bed as I smiled to myself. It'll be fun seeing Tom. Even though, we see each other more than twice a week. It's fun when you've had a friend from early childhood, or maybe not so early. Me and Tommy met when we were 10 and 11. We met pretty randomly. Our parents apperantly seemed to know each other... But, my parents and Tommy's parents weren't always the best.

TW! Alcoholic parents

My parents were alcoholics. They would always drink until they were wasted, then they'll argue and scream at each other on the top of their lungs. Sometimes they let their anger out on me... The next day it was always the same, they'll appologize. They even get on their knees begging for my forgiveness, even though they said: "Sweetheart, I promise. We're gonna stop drinking." When the next couple of days, it starts again. They just never can keep themselves sober.

End of TW!

Tommy's POV.

My childhood was really turbulant. There was never a moment with pure happiness, that's what I thought before I met Ranboo. When I met them, I was happy, and no, our parents wasn't the best. But when I was with them, I was happy, rebelious and spontainious. We did fun stuff, and held together when the days were at their darkest.

I and Ranboo usually meet more that two times a week. We live close and we work at the same place. We both live in apartments that are not super small, but neither huge. And we're only two and a big block away from each other. I honestly was really happy about this, whilst, Yeah... we both do struggle.

-Knock... knock..

Already? has it been those whole ten minutes? Time flies by when you think about them.

I grab the doorknob and open the door to reveal Ranboo standing infront of me. They were absolutely soaked in water, along water droplets continiously dripping down from their hair strands.

𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 //𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐛𝐨𝐨Where stories live. Discover now