Chapt. 11

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TW:  Veri veri homo, Underage drinking, angri homans >:(, 

(He/Him for Ran this chapt.)

Tommy's POV

I got out of bed after a while of lying there, Ranboo was already up from a while ago. I went into the bathroom and looked myself in the mirror, I rubbed my eyes and face. I look like a mess, like always.

I heard shuffling in the kitchen, pots and pans getting placed on the stove, the sound of butter sizziling and the smell of melted butter. I think that's my favorite memory with Ran.

(5 years ago)

They're 15 and 16 here btw i think (Tf i mean I think, im the fucking creator of this goddamned universe and time line. THEY ARE 15 AND 16)

Still Tommy's POV:

I woke up on the cold mattress, the stench of damp paper was lurking in every corner of the motel room. The mattress turned less cold when I turned over facing Ranboo. At this point it was just normal for us to snuggle up close whenever sleeping next to eachother. 

It was pretty nice being two teenagers on their own, who has run away from their parents together, but that's fine! We'll be fine. 

-Are you awake? Ranboo asked with his usual raspy morning voice.

-Pretty much, yeah. I said with closed eyes and with the covers covering me whole. 

-Do you want me to make breakfast? Ranboo asked as he looked as me.

-Yeah, please. I spoke as I looked at him and smiled.

I almost dozed off again, but I slowly heard that sizzling butter and the smell of it. It made me feel like home because I remember how good Ran's food taste. I got excited and got up from bed. 

Teenage dirtbag would be describing my looks for today as I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was big and messy, long in the front and fluffy. I had on an oversized t-shirt that Ranboo got me last christmas. I had smudged eyeliner and eyeshadow underneath my eyes from last nights party. Me and Ran got fake ID's and decided to sneak in. 

It was super fun, me and Ran got absolutely wasted and we talked to a lot of people, most of them found us annoying, but it was really fun making people annoyed.

-Breakfast is ready, sleepyhead. Ranboo said as he placed the paper plates on the table and the food on the table.

-No, fuck off, I'm hungover, not sleepyhead. I said as I yawned.

-Both then. Ranboo spoke as he sat down.

I walked over to the table and sat down across from him. He had made scrambled eggs and bacon from the food we bought from the nearest local gasstation. If you're wondering where we have run off too, it's a town one hour drive away from our hometown. To be honest, I really like this town we're in.

We've been gone for 2 days now, it doesn't seem like out parents have noticed yet. Well, Ran's parents are so drunk that one time they didn't even notice that Ran was gone for a week when he was 14, he had Ran off to his grandma, she's actually a bit better than ours parents. Just she's a bit old-timey strict, but not that much! 

I left my parents with a big bang, I got in a arguement with them and I swore at them and then me and Ran left.

I started with putting some scrambled eggs on my plate and topped it off with bacon. I felt good when I ate with Ran, I didn't worry over the foods nutritions.

𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 //𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐛𝐨𝐨Where stories live. Discover now