Chapt. 4

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Continue on 10 years ago

Ranboo's POV

-Ok Honey, have fun at the sleepover. My mom said as she bent down and gave me a peck on my cheek.

She walked out the door as I stood there seeing her walk out. As the stench of cigarettes followed her where ever she would walk.

Tommy came up behind me and smiled.

-So, Mark. We will find you a mattress for you too sleep on. Tommy's mother, Monica said with a smile. -And you and Tommy will sleep in the same room. She said before walking away. I remained silent. 

-This will be fun! Tommy cheered happily.

I looked at him with a smile.

-This is the first time Mother lets me have a sleepover at my house actually.. Tommy said with a slight smile as he looked down at his socks.

-Well, Then let's make it the best one yet. I said with a wide smile as I laid my hand on his shoulder.

Tommy's gaze met mine as he smiled softly as he closed his eyes for a second as he the slightest  nodded.

-Thomas and Mark, You can come up now. Monica yelled from upstairs. I took my hand off his shoulder as I looked at the stairs that was behind us.

-Let's go. Tommy said as he looked at me. I nodded as we started to head up the stairs.

-Here is your mattress, pillow and covers. Tommy's mother said as she smiled to me. -If you need any clothes, then Tommy probably has some over-sized clothes. She said at last before leaving.

-Your mother is.. kind? I said questioning as I looked at him.

-It's just a fake "mask". She is just acting kind... Tommy said with a well, stone face.

-You ok? I asked worried over him. 

-I'm fine. He said with a weak smile.

-Fine. I trust you...

Tommy's POV

It was 7:56 PM. I was lucky enough to have my own TV in my room, though It was no ordinary one. It was one of those old ones a few years back. It the early 2000's and 1990's. Around when I was born.

Me and Ranboo watched a movie that I had on CD. We watched the movie E.T from 1982. My parents had a lot of CD's, but this was the only one that I could take without trouble, or else it was teletubbies. So I'm sure E.T is much better to watch than a disturbing toddler's show.

I laid on my stomach on my 120 cm bed. Ran sat next to me, further behind. Their back was hitting the bedframe and pillows. My arms and hands were supporting my head as I laid my chin and head hitting my palms. 

I sighed before I turned my head facing towards them. Their gaze hit mine a few milliseconds later. They smiled at me, and I smiled back happily.


(A little short Paragraph, there will be a few short paragraphs now)

9:06 PM.

-Boys, Why don't you get ready now. And Mark, there's a un-opened toothbrush on the sink in the bathroom. My mother said as she opened the bedroom door. And yes, It's 9 PM now.

Ranboo nodded and My mother disappeared leaving the door open.


9:56 PM.

I had on my Pj's now and sat on my bed with the covers hovering over my legs.

After a little while I saw Ranboo enter the room as his glance met mine, and they smiled.

They sat down on the mattress as they immediatly looked at me and spoke up.

-Is it ok if I sleep shirtless? I'll just sleep in pants. 

-Of course, It's Ok. I said as I smiled. They smiled back as me and took of their shirt. Weirdly enough, I couldn't see myself taking my sight off them. 

I shook my head as I looked another way. I stood up from my bed and closed my bedroom door. The only light came from my lamp that was on the night stand in the middle of my bed and their bedroom.

-You're not scared of the dark, are you? I asked them as I turned around.

-No, I don't mind the dark. They said with a smile.

-You though? They asked with a little giggle.

-What? No. I said with a nervous smile. I was in fact a bit scared... I didn't like being alone, or left alone in the dark. The dark is like the void, you disappear in there.

I went over to my bed and laid down as I threw my covers above me. 

-Good night. I said as I looked down beside me, where Ranboo laid on their mattress.

-Good night. They said as they looked over at me. I smiled and reached out for the light. I took a deep breath as I I turned off the light and squinted my eyes shut. I crumbled up under the covers. I scooted backwards, until I hit the cold, plain wall. 

I grip the covers and made sure that it was covering every inch of my body, as I crumbled into a fetal position. 

I began to hear some sounds. Sounds from down stairs. My parents... My parents were talking loudly to each other. They were not happy, I could tell. They start raising their voices more until it became screaming. They yelled and screamed at each other now.

-Are your parents always like this, Tommy? Ranboo asked.

-Yes.. I said with a high-pitched, trembling voice. I was already tearing up.

I heard shuffeling in my own room after I said that. A weight was placed right in front of me, and right next to me.

-Are you ok? They asked me.

I opened my eyes. Although it was dark, I still saw them right in front of me.

-No. I said with tears in my eyes as I reached closer too Ranboo and wrapped my arms around them and sobbed carefully onto them. Their arms went around me. 

-Hey. They whispered into my curly, blonde hair.

-It's ok. I'm here. Please look at me. They said as they unknowingly put a peck on my head.

I sniffled and looked at them deep into their eyes. 

-I'm all alone. I said as I burst out in more tears and looked down.

-Hey, your not. Ranboo said as I lifted my head again.

-This isn't my home. I said with a trembling voice, trying to hold back tears.

-It's fine... Don't worry... Tommy remember this: My home is your home, and Your home is my home. And our home is ours. My home isn't where I live. My home is when I'm with you. We stick together. Best friend, to another. I love you. Ranboo said as he calmed me slowly down. My breathing lowered. My eyes were sore as they shed a last tear, that rolled slowly down my chin.

My pulse lowered along, my cheeks warmed as I looked into their eyes that I could see clearly in the dark now.

-...Yes. I said as crumbled together and hugged them softly as I drifted slowly to sleep.

...I love you too.


1145 Words!

Hey! Happy christmas to everyone!! I hope you have a great time <333


𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 //𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐛𝐨𝐨Where stories live. Discover now