Chapt. 8

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TW: Mention of SH, alcohol, starving. Yelling and crying ig???

Notes: This chapter, I'm gonna use he on Ranboo. I will be changing between He/They for Ranboo in different chapters.

Thridpersons's POV.

Ranboo's heavy legs after yesterday, hit the ground as he didn't leave footsteps; the ground was wet. The rain had been raining whole yesterday and till now. The droplets wouldn't stop falling down from the skies. Just like how Ranboo's tears were falling with concern over Tommy last night.

Ranboo was concerned over the younger one, he was concerned if he had stopped eating, drinking daily, slit his wrists or arms, or had several suicide attempts. The thing Ranboo didn't know, was that his thoughts was right. Tommy had slit his arms for a long time, he have had episodes where we would go max a week of drinking, and he stopped eating a few times. He would sometimes go a week with less than 1000 calories every day.

Tommy hated himself, he would ever since he was little, get episodes where he would have chronic depression, and some where he would be so happy that he could burst into pieces. That's usually when he would forget to eat or sleep. Tommy would also have sudden outbursts of anger, when he doesn't mean it. Whatever he says when he has anger outbursts, are never true. Ranboo learnt that by growing up with his best friend.

No matter how problematic Tommy could be, Ranboo's fire in his heart never stopped. Never... and it would never. They both struggled with same issues, just another version. They were always there for each other. They couldn't give up on each other. They were dependent on each other. One mistake, and everything will be gone. Their happiness, Sanity, their same both burning sensation in each of their hearts that would turn on when they were with each other, if they were thinking about each other, or if they were texting. They were inseparable and they forever are. No one could separate them. Nothing ever...

They were both so in love with each other, that they became blind from reality. They would disappear from time to time, being in their little bubble. Tommy would repeat to himself whenever he thought about suicide, that he would think; "how would Ranboo feel like? Wouldn't he become suicidal as well? Maybe he gets so sad that he will commit as well? No... No... I can't do this. I have to be there with him."

Ranboo was walking to work. He had a kind of excitement, but a nervous tension to if Tommy was there. He could feel his nerves up and down his spine. He hated the tension. He felt his head becoming light-headed sometimes for a split second, to a couple of seconds. Although, it would feel like forever, cause they were just coming on and off. He could feel a burden in his chest. It made it hard to breathe for him. It felt like he was gonna pass out. It was the anxiety he felt now.

He had come to his work place, a little cute café down the street, if you know what I mean. It was a cozy little café. Tommy and Ranboo worked different tasks there. Sometimes being a janitor, washing the floors, tables, even the bathroom stalls. Sometimes they got tasks as helping with serving food and drinks, if the café was stuffed with people.

He took the doorhandle to his workplace, he pushed it down, he took a deep breath, squinted his eyes before opening them as he pushed the door open. He let a smile smuggle up on his face as he saw Tommy in front of his eyes, mopping the floor quietly. They lock eye contact, what felt like they haven't seen each other in an eternity. Even though dear Tommy didn't want to smile to his beloved friend, no best friend, he couldn't help but give him a small whirl in the corners of his lips, forming a small, innocent smile.

-Heya, mate! Said a voice coming from their boss, breaking their magical, "haven't seen you in an eternity", loving moment, eye contact. The same thoughts went thru both of their minds, "Ugh... our stupid boss".

-Hey, Bob. Ranboo said with a fake smile, and a fake voice.

-Hey, Ran-man! Bob said back to Ranboo. Tommy cast an ugly look over on Bob. He hated it when someone would misgender his dear best friend.

Ranboo, on the other hand, noticed Tommy's anger, and he knew, oh yes he knew, when Tommy's anger would be lighted, like when you would light a dynamite, it explodes in just a matter of seconds... 3... 2... 1...

-IF YOU EVER SAY RAN-MAN AGAIN, I WILL FUCKING KI- Tommy pushed out with full strength from his mouth, but his best friend caught him in time and held a hand over his mouth and lips, and one full arm around his waist and pulled him back to calm him down. Tommy has always been a dynamite, and he will continue to live as one.

Ranboo pulled him to the bathroom stall to get him away from their boss.

Ranboo's POV

-Tommy, Tommy, Tommy... Calm down.

-Calm down?! I will NOT calm down!! Tommy yelled quietly at me, as he tore himself apart from me, and stood at least two feet away. He was obviously very mad, if you couldn't tell, obviously-

-Tommy... Please... I hummed with a calm voice.

He gazed into my eyes after I spoke my words, those eyes hid so much that I didn't know, and would never know.

-Ran... I'm... I'm so sorry for yesterday. I was so low and... He said with a stop as he got closer, and closer.

-I just, with you, god, how can I say this... with you, I can feel this warm sensation that is stuck really deep in my chest... it's been like that ever since we met. If there is a point that I wanna go back, I wanna go back to 2012, the year we met. Now, it's 2023, and I don't know what to do. But, I know I always have you. So... He rambled with a small break in his voice at the end. Clumps of tears were forming in his eyes.

-Hey... Tommy. I said and let my arms out. He welcomed my open arms and tossed in for a hug.

I could feel him melting into the embrace, he wouldn't let go, he really needed this. 

-I understand fully what your feeling. I murmured into his shoulder.

Tommy sniffed and breathed out slowly. 

-I love you, Tommy. You mean the whole world to me. You are the person in this world that I care about the most, loosing you will make me so fucking devastated. You're the only one in my life that has ever cared about me and stayed next to all along. Without you, I don't know what I would have done. I uttered with tears forming into my eyes. 

He went dead silent for seconds append seconds, his eyes stared into the white tile wall with tears running down. 

-Tommy..? I asked as I pulled away with my hands on his shoulder. His eyes were blank for a split second before reconnecting eye contact, he brang up a hand to wipe away his tears.

-I love you too. He said under his breath as he breathe out. His head fell slowly towards my chest with his face facing towards the sides. His arms wrapped around my torso and he hugged me tightly. 


1242 words!


I'm so sorry I didn't upload, My mental health was so bad in april and may, I actually didn't think I would make it, BUT HEY! YA GURL HAS BEEN HAPPY FOR A MONTH STRAIGHT!!! My first month completely happy in 3 years. I forgot how great of a masterpiece this was and how great this was, I haven't been writing in a long while, so I'm sorry if I'm a bit rusty. I still struggle w my mental health even though I've been happy for a while, school starts again tomorrow and I'm on the edge of a panic attack, but it's fine, the worst that could happen, won't happen ❤️


𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 //𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐛𝐨𝐨Where stories live. Discover now