Chapt. 14

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TW:  Rlly js very emotional, mention of scar, a little body dysmorphia, very light fluff.

(He him for ranboo)

Tommy's POV

Soft cries left my throat and into my pillow. Ranboo held around me all the time, trying to calm me down. He strokes his thumb over my shoulders and kisses my head. He whispered and mumbles that everything will be alright. For a moment, it felt like it, but the next moment it doesn't. 

My tears started to become less and I was able to regulate my breath. I pulled in closer and hugged Ranboo around the chest. God, what would I have done without him? He's a blessing from heaven. 

-Tommy. Ranboo muttered softly.

I nodded, not quite able to speak yet. I was afraid that the only thing that was going to escape my mouth was small, quaking words that wasn't able to understand.

-I think we should maybe go out and meet our friends, it could be good to socialize a bit. He spoke as he rubbed my back slowly.

I nodded once again. Going out with friends won't be bad, but I'm not really super ready for social interactions yet. 

-Okay, I'll reach out and plan out something, does that sound great? He asked for reassurance from me.

I smiled weakly as I nodded slowly. 

Ranboo gave me a tight squeeze before leaving me lying alone in our bed. I lied on my side as I stared into the wall. I was really not sure if I wanted to go out with friends or not. It will trigger me. 

My eyelids hung heavy and the tears glued together my eyelids. I slowly drifted into sleep without noticing. 


I woke up in a dramatic gasp for air. Although, I don't remember what I was dreaming of. I don't know what was so scary that I woke up in the middle of the night. I guess I may have startled Ran a bit. He squeezed me harder and closer to him. He burried his face into my back. Wait... He was cuddling me while sleeping...


My heart started to breathe faster and I froze. I turned around and faced Ranboo. My head was on top of his arm and his other arm was hugging around my waist. I put my head of his chest and hugged around him. I listen to his heart beat. 

pah-thump, pah-thump, pah-thump. 

His heartbeat was calming me down. I dozed off while listening to his heartbeats.


I woke up the next day to find the bed empty. Only a sunken spot on the mattress next to me. I notice that sounds were coming from the bathroom. I got up and walked carefully to the bathroom. 

I peeked through the littlee opening in the door that stood at glance. I saw Ranboo getting ready, he was only wearing sweatpants and no shirt or hoodie. His body was beautiful, it wasnt pale and boney like mine. His scars were white and some were hard to see, whilst other scars were very visible. 

I wish I looked like him, I wish I never wasted my teenage years getting more and more ill.

While I was zoning out with my thoughts, Ranboo caught me staring at him through the door. He smirked softly and opened the door fully.

- well, Good morning to you too, sleeping beauty. He spoke with a small giggle.

I couldn't help but blush.

-You were just making a lot of sound, I got curious... I mumbled with a raspy, morning voice as I stepped into the bathroom.

-Wow yeah, I can imagine that washing your face and doing skincare makes so much noise. He chuckled and went back to his skincare.

-You know what I mean. I grinned. I liked it when he teased me like that, it always makes me happy. 

I watched him carefully as he did his skincare and other stuff. Observing every movement he was making. Sometimes, just normal things that people do, is something I find attractive. I don't know if that's just me being weird or just being in love.

-You're staring a lot at me, are you doing alright? Ranboo questioned as he turned around to face me.

All I really could see ahead of me was his big, nice, cuddly torso that I banged my head into and hugged my arms around his waist.

-Come back to bed with me~ Those words completely slipped out of me. 

-I will. He responded while he giggled softly. He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a small squeeze as he kissed the top of my head. -I'm just gonna finish my routine, okay?

-Okay. I said as I started brushing my teeth.

After I was done, I notice that Ranboo was soon done with his. So I was annoying him.

-Are you doneee..? I said as I pushed my body and head on his side. Nudging his shoulder with my head. 

He couldn't help but smile from it. He was never the type of person to find my actions annoying. I guess that's also some of the reasons why I love him so much.

-Okay I'm done now. He said with a smile as I turned around to me and picked me up. 

-What? No! put me down. I said with my hands pushing on his arms. I noticed how light I was, Ranboo was able to just pick me up.

He walked over to the bed and threw me gently on the mattress. He quickly got over me and laid down with his body on top of mine and his head on my chest. His arms were wrapped around my small torso.

-No this is unfair... I whined as I was trying to push him off.

He just closed his eyes and smiled.

-You're like twice as big as me, please Ranboo... I whined as I laughed meanwhile. 

-I'm not budging. He giggled. 

-Please... Hun... I said, hoping it would help by calling him pet names. 

-Hm... Warmer. He spoke with a sly smirk.

-Please, love, get off me. I giggled out.

-Okay... fine... He said as he got off me and lied down on my side.

I turned over and faced him. He turned around too.

I got closer and wrapped my arms around him.

-Don't fall asleep now... Ranboo sighed out.

-I won't. I said as I gave him a peck on his cheek.

His hands cupped my neck and cheek, he pulled me in closer and gave me a small peck on the lips. My arms traveled up to his neck and I gave him a peck back. 

-I wanna take it slow with you, Tommy. Ranboo said under his breath.

-That's what we're doing now. I said with a smile and gave him a kiss that lasted a bit longer. His hands went around my waist and held me tight. I pulled away with a smile, he gave me a smile back before cuddling his nose on mine. 


1138 Words!

Yall, im getting better. I js broke up w my gf and Im doing so great LIKE ACTUALLY. Im sorry my writing got pretty shitty halfway thru, Its js late rn and im tired :))


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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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