Chapt. 12

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TW:  Ed and bodydysmorphia and yk things like that, mention of self-harm, ...EVEN MORE HOMO

Tommy's POV

-Are you ready for some breakfast? Ranboo asked me with a friendly smile. I snapped back to reality and looked at him.

-Yes, of course. I said with a nervous smile. Eating meals was the hardest part of the day. Some days were worse than others and this day was pretty bad.

I sat down at the table and stared intensely at the plate with scrambled eggs and heavily buttered bacon. My legs started to shake and I got all swirled up in my thoughts. The calories, the food, the amount of weight I will gain... It was never about being thin enought for me, it was all just control. Just like self-harm. 

-Tommy... Are you okay? Ranboo asked with concern in this gaze. My eyes met his and all my worry started to go away. I slowly nodded as I smiled slightly. I looked down at my food again and picked up the cutlery as I slowly took small bites with a fair distance between them. 

I noticed that Ran stared at me and smiled, he was happy that I was finally eating something. It took a while for me to finish my plate, but when I did, I saw Ranboo smiling happily for me.

-Did it taste good? He asked gently, trying not to trigger anything from me. 

-As good as always, everything you make tastes amazing. I grinned happily. I felt happy for finishing a plate of food, I felt proud. 

-So, what do you want to do today? Ranboo asked as he leaned back in his chair and crossed his feet.

-Honestly, I just want to relax with you. I wanna do nothing else but binge-watch TV series with you. I spoke as I smiled lightly.

-Then let's do that. He answered with a wide smile. 


We cleaned up the table and took the plates and cutlery in the dishwasher. I colapsed on the couch with a big sigh. Ranboo sat right next to me and looked over at me. I put his arm around me and pushed me closer to him. I placed my head on his shoulder and leaned towards him.

-Are you tired, darling? Ranboo questioned in a soft voice. His other hand came up and started to stroke my curly, blonde hair slowly. 

-Ranboo... What are we...? I asked, I was still confused about yesterday, when we kissed and he said he knew what he felt... Is he really... Is he really in love... with me...?

-What do you mean? He questioned, his head turned against me as he tried to look at me.

I turned my head up to the side with my chin on his shoulder. Our faces were much closer that I expected.

-I mean... When you kissed me yesterday and you said you knew what you felt and that you hope that I feel the same... I was just wondering if... you really, you know, liked me like... that. I pushed out of my mouth, it was hard to find words and it was hard to not mix up words and not sound shaky. 

Ranboo gazed deeply into my eyes, his mouth slowly parted as he struggled to find the words.

-Tommy. He said as his torso turned against me and sat facing towards me whilst looking down. -It's hard to find the words to this, but ever since the first time I ever saw you, I've always admired your beauty and personality. And I've always admired you, maybe a bit too much admiring as well. But, I've came to a realization that my admiration might have not just been admiration, I think it's always been a deep love for you. Tommy... I... I love you. Ranboo admitted as he looked into my eyes.

I was speechless, I didn't know what to say. And I think that there was nothing more that need to be said, only things to be done. 

-I'm so sorry if you don't feel the same. Ranboo muttered out as he looked down in guilt. 

I put my hands on his and I pulled him closer to me. I gazed deeply into his eyes as he gazed into mine as well. 

-Ranboo, I love you too. I finally addressed. 

Ranboo looked at me with relief that was noticeable across his whole expression. I smiled happily as I put my hands on each side of his face and pulled him closer than he already was. I closed my eyes and softly pressed my lips against his lips. His arms wrapped around my waist as he leaned slowly backwards as I continuously pushed myself onto him.

He slowly fell onto the couch with me on top of him. I continued to kiss him softly before I stopped for a little while. We deeply gazed into eachother's eyes. I wasn't able to describe anything else than that I loved him, I loved him since the start, thru the shit, and in the end. I don't think I want to love anyone else but him.

-I love you. I said under my breath.

-I love you too. Ranboo whispered back.


I was laying on the couch with my head on his chest and with my arm around him. He had one arm around me and one hand in my hair, slowly massaging my scalp. We were binge-watching some random show we found.

I felt at peace for the first time in my life, like everything was going to be okay. I felt loved and I felt fulfilled. 

-Ran... I mumbled as I looked up at him.

-Yeah, hun? He answered as he looked back at me.

-We should talk about what we're gonna do with us and what we are. I muttered, I was so tired and exhausted that I barely gave any energy into talking.

-I agree. Well, I think that we should take it slow and figure things out before saying we're officially together. He suggested. I liked his suggestion, it's like he was already reading my mind from before.

-I'm completely in on that idea. I spoke softly as I smiled widely.

-I really want you to get better and I want to heal you before moving too fast. I don't want to trigger any relapse or anything in you. Ranboo added as he dug his face down into my curly hair.

-How did I end up with someone like you... You're absolutely perfect... I murmured out before closing my eyes and slowly drifting into sleep.

I still can't believe that he's finally mine, or soon mine.

1085 words!

Yay, im so happy i pushed out another chapter :))))

I hope you guys liked it, im sorry I disappear so much :( 


pls vote ;)

𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 //𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐛𝐨𝐨Where stories live. Discover now