Chapt. 2

39 6 2

TW: Alcohol and Drug use. + Bad/Angry Parents

-Were you OK in there? Ranboo asked me worried as our gaze held. Until I broke it by looking down briefly.

-Yeah, just- I said as I tried to come up with something. -Just uhm.- I said almost tearing up. Oh Tommy! You're such a crybaby! I thought to myself.

-T-Tommy? Ranboo stuttered as they stood up and walked over to me.

-Hey.. They said with a soft tone as they pulled me into a tight hug. As all I did was cry into their shoulder.

-What's wrong? They asked curiously.

-J-Just not feeling like myself. I said as tears fell down.

-Is there anything I could do for you? They asked me as I pulled apart from their warm chest.

-To be honest, alcohol is everything that comes up to my mind. I said as I scoffed. -I just wanna drink away my problems.

-You know what, let's do it. I mean, when was the last time we drank? Ranboo said with a friendly smirk across their face.

-Uhm, Six months? I said hesitant.

-Damn, that long..? Well, let's drink as our celebration. They said with a cheerful voice.

-Well, then, let's go to the store. I'll bring my ID. And don't worry, I'll pay. I said with a smile that grew append my face.

Ranboo nodded as they headed down the hallway as they picked up their wet shoes and put them on.

We headed down to the store after I put on my jacket and shoes. I had my ID just in case in my pocket. We're 20 anyways. So we're allowed to drink and buy alcohol and liquor.

Outside it was left puddles and small ponds of water from the pouring rain that came a little while ago.

And of course I tried too splash Ranboo... It wasn't successful.

We went to the store first, then the liquor store. Yes, both stores asked me for ID. I know I look young. And I am.

Well, moral of the story, we bought a lot. Then I mean, A LOT. I mean, I really can't blame nor judge.


We got home to me and started to take the alcohol out of their plastic bags, and we took all bottles out and placed them at the living room table. As along with cups.

We stared at the liquor and alcohol as I was a bit hesitant. I looked at Ranboo. And they looked at me. As impulse rushed thru and I opened a bottle of liquor and started to pour into our cups.

-We asked for it, so we're doing it. I said as I held up my cup.

-Agreed, our new motto. Ranboo said as they raised their glass.

-Yes. Now-

-Three, Two, One. We said in sync as we dunked down the liquor. I squint my eyes, it was strong.

-Tommy- What the fuck is that. Ranboo said as they giggled .

-I don't know. I said as I giggled along. I guess we were already drunk.

-You know what? I gasped as I looked at him.

-A friend of mine, or Shlatt, of course. Gave me some marijuana. I said as I got up and ran to my bedroom. In the drawer I saw a whole pack of them.

I showed them too Ranboo, I guess it was impulse that rushed thru us. Cause we neither cared about complications that can form in the future.

-Let's fucking do it. Ranboo said as I took out two cigarettes and handed one to Ranboo, as I went to find a lighter.

𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 //𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐛𝐨𝐨Where stories live. Discover now