Chapt. 10

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TW: CUTS AND SCARS, anxiety, Very homo😔,   Idk more

Gonna use they/them on ranboo this chapt. 

Thrid person's persepctive.

Tommy paniced as he didn't know what do to next, it would just be suspisious if he slept in pj's after telling his bestfriend he just sleeps in boxers. "What do I do?" Echoed in his mind, creating more anxiety. 

But, he could just blame it on that he feels maybe anxious about sleeping in the same bed as them with boxers because they might become uncomfortable. Or that Tommy was just cold. There was a billion solutions for this problem, but only a few of them won't get him caught. What was left to do, was to pray that his solution would work.

[Time skip bcuz why not]

(Tommy's POV)

It was finally time. 11:26 pm. It was time to go to bed. This is the first time I've feared going to bed, other than when my mom told me that if I didn't behave, the toothfairy would come and rip my teeth out. Now the crippling anxiety of them (Ranboo) finding out is terrifying. I was scared to see the sadness and anxiety in their eyes if they found out about my cuts. 

I brushed my teeth and put on a hoodie and some shorts, I hope it wasn't suspicious. I walked into the bedroom where I saw Ran changing into a t-shirt. 

-Hey. I spoke up, trying not to let my nervosity break thru into my voice.

-Hi. They turned around and replied with a smile. 

-I put on a hoodie because I just didn't want to make you uncomfortable, or myself, if that doesn't sound completely selfish... I lied thru my teeth as I tried not to sound like a dim-witted moron.

-Yeah, I get it, and it's completely fine. They replied with the same tone and smile from the last reply.

I could breathe out. Everything was going under my controle. I felt safe, like nothing would happen, until it does. 

-So, should we go to bed? They asked kindly with a beam. 

I smiled as I nodded.

-Yes, let's go to bed. I spoke as I headed to the bed. I lied down on the right side of the king sized bed. I pulled the covers over me (At least we weren't sharing same covers) I inhaled and felt the oxygen escape my body as I breathed out. It's a wonder why we're even alive.

-You ok? Ran asked as they looked at me worried.

-Yes, I just spaced out. I uttered as I stared at the celling. I closed my eyes and turned around to the other side.

-Let's go to sleep, I'm tired. I breathed out as I slump into the mattress and covers.

(Quick switch to Thrid persons perspective, sorry, I'm very random)

-Okay. Ranboo let out as they got in bed and lie down on the side where Tommy's back was facing them. They stared gazingly at the younger boy's back. Tommy breathed out and turned around to face Ranboo with a characterless, gloomy  frown.

The two boys just lay there gazing into each other's eyes. As if there was a understanding between them. They both were drowning and trying to save each other, but almost unable to. 

-What's going on? Ranboo murmured out as they gazed wondering into his eyes.

-I'm bored. Tommy says with a dull frown and tired eyes.

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