Chapt. 6

25 3 0

TW:  Swearing, Yelling, Arguing parents and angry parents.

Ranboo's POV

As confused as I felt whilst feeling the sensation of his lips pressed against mine. The warmth rushing thru my whole body. 

I wanted to drop my thoughts with a "But, he's wasted", But I couldn't help comforting myself with that he's actually kissing me after these 10 years of being friends... No, best friends.

He parted from me as I looked into his eyes. His tired hanging eyes with stars in them, before he colapsed on my shoulder. It felt heavy at first as I struggled with keeping him up. 

I gently laid him down on his own bed, as I laid down next to him. As I keep repeating to myself; He won't remember this...

I crumbled up with my knees as I wrapped my arms around them, hugging them. I laid there with a frown before forcing my eyes shut and fell slowly asleep.

Tommy's POV

I woke up with a headache so strong and big. I rolled my eyes side to side, and my gaze caught something. A person laying next to me, Brown fluffy hair along with closed eyes. It was Ranboo, although I couldn't see clearly, I could tell clearly.

I nearly zoned out as I was hit by truck with flooding memories.


(Flashback: Last night)


-Everything, everything, everything! I hate everything! I said furiously.

-Tommy calm down. Ran said as they gripped me just in time.

I looked up in their eyes as Ran had his strong grip on both of my arms. I stood there. Completely frozen.

I leaned towards Ranboo. Their grip became loose as I fell towards him. My arms and hands raised up towards his neck and shoulders as they landed there.

I closed my eyes and took a step forwards as my lips met his.

my hands gripped tightly at his shirt as I pulled myself closer to them and tighter.


That was the only thing I could remember... My eyes was shot open as I laid there frozen, in shock and confusion. It's like the universe wanted me to remember this. That's why I got this... This can't be a dream... No.. but what if it's just my imagination. It can't be... But it can. It's just- Argh! I'm too frustrated to be this early.

-Good morning. I hear a deep voice from my side.

-Good morning. I said with a smle append my face as I turned my face towards them. 

I saw the small amount of panic that hit their face as they speak up quickly.

-Do you remember anything from yesterday? They asked me.

-... Uhm, no. I said hesitant as I smiled nervously.

-Ok, good... They said with a fade out.

-Why? Did I do something dumb?

-Well, You yelled at my friends. They said with a small giggle.

-Shit.. damn... Anything else?

-No.. Nothing. They said hesitant... They were lying.

𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 //𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐛𝐨𝐨Where stories live. Discover now