Chapt. 9

13 1 0

TW:  ED, Fear of eating, Mention of feeling bones sticking out, Acusing someone for having an ED,  SH, Cuts, 

Tommy's POV

My arms wrapped around him as I tried not to shed a single tear. My heart was beating hard and fast, I didn't know what to do, the whole room span with my thought cramped up in my head. I hadn't eaten in a while, I could feel my stomach sink into my ribs and hips. I felt my skeleton sticking out of my skin. 

-I uhm... I trembled as I pulled away. I gazed into his eyes as I swallowed hard.

-I need to eat... I felt my ribs sticking out. I quaked as my whole body was trembling and freezing.

-Ok, come'on we'll get you some food. Ranboo spoke as he grabbed Tommy's hand and followed him out of the bathroom.

-Hey Bob, We're taking an early lunch break today. Ranboo shouted across the room to our terrible boss, Bob.

-How come? He asked wondering with a raised eyebrow.

-We're absolutely starving and we need to get some food, we'll be back in less than 30 minutes! Ranboo came up with fast as he stormed out of the cafe with me, holding hand in hand.

[Time skip]

Thrid person's perspective. 

-Here you go Tommy. Ranboo said as he placed a plate with a cheese and ham sandwich in front of Tommy. He eyed the sandwich on it's plate when it was placed in front of Him. His mind screeched with thoughts of the worst things that could happen. Ranboo sat on the chair on the other side of the table. 

-Tommy? He murmured as he saw the tired, skeletal looking boy staring at his plate with a sandwich sitting all alone.

The boy looked up with his dull-looking eyes, nothing but anxiety and depression was behind them, he didn't have any shine in them anymore, like Ranboo saw in them 10 years ago when he first met the happy boy who always had eyes who would shine even in the darkness. But now, there's nothing left but a grey-blue-ish colour. It made him sad thinking about it.

After a while, something minor-unexcpected happened. The poor boy lifted up the sandwich on his plate and took a bite. The boy squinted his eyes and hesitated as he chewed the first few times. He breathed out and swallowed the piece he took a bite of.

He was trembling from what he just did. Filled with fear, but regrets went away as he soon felt a warm body next to him. His friend hugged him from the side. His trembling stopped as he smiled wide. All fear went away as soon as he was close.

He took another bite, that led to another one, eventually the whole sandwich was gone. He smiled proud of himself, and his friend smiled even wider of how proud he was of his friend.

They both walked out of the cafe with smiles whilst they stood close with an arm around each other.


(AN: Sorry, I js need a minute to cry cause I read chapt 8 and then until here and I almost started crying lmao)

Tommy's POV

-What took you guys so long?! Bob shouted at us as soon as we walked into the cafe. -You have been gone for 40 minutes! The crimson red, outraged man barked at us.

-I appologize, we hadn't eaten in a while and we were really hungry. Ranboo explained.

-Hah... I knew it... he hissed as his head turned towards me. -I that skinny twig was always an anorexic. He thundred as his dark shadow hovered over me. I could feel my chest sink and my legs feeling weak, as I started to lose my breath over how his anger feared me.

-ACTUALLY BOB. Ranboo shouted hard at him as he stood up straight with his chest forwards. -I'm the anorexic one. He spoke bold with no fears. I was impressed by his bravery to stand up against someone.

Bob looked furious at us both, his face got redder and redder for each split second. -Y-Your both fired! He stuttered as he stomped with his feet.

-We didn't even like this job anyways. I said as I shrugged my shoulders with a frown.

-Get out of here and never come back, anorexics. He said with the biggest frown in any mankind's history.

Me and Ranboo ran as fast as we could whilst giggling and hold hands as we stormed out of the cafe. The job wasn't bad in it's self, it just got bad in the end. It's fine anyways, life has a plan for us right? ... right..?

[Time skip]

-So, Tommy... Ranboo mumbled as he turned his face towards me. I gazed at him as he gazed append me.

-Because we both have no jobs and obviously, we can't afford our rent on our appartments alone and because we both need each other so much, I thought that we could move into a one bedroom flat meanwhile, until we can afford a bigger appartment. Ranboo inquired as he fidgeted with his finger nervously.

-Are you being for real? I asked 

-Yes, of course. Ranboo responded as he looked up at me.

I couldn't help but to break the emotionless face and jump right into his chest into an embrace.

-Ranboo, beyond a doubt I wanna move into an apartment with my favourite person in the world. I beamed with full of delight. I was moving in with my favourite person.

[Time skip]

Thrid persons perspective.

-The apartment is really nice. Ranboo said as he admired the apartments interior. 

-Yeah, although we have to share a bed though. Tommy stuttered to get out whilst he had a minor pink-ish blush append his cheeks by the thought of him and the older one sharing a bed together.

-Yeah, but it's gonna be fine. Ranboo said nervously as a blush appeared append his cheeks as he thought about him and the younger one sharing a bed together. 

They both felt the same blush and bufferflies that roamed them both everywhere in their bodies as they both fell into a trance and daydreamed about each other.

They both snapped back in sync as well, as they both realized the amount of silence that was between the two.

-Uhm- Just so you know, I only sleep in boxers. Tommy blurted out, out of the blue, into the quiet atmosphere.

-Yeah, I know, your my childhood best friend. Ranboo also blurted out, out in the blue, into the quiet atmosphere. 

Tommy turned towards the taller one with a questioning facial expression with a smirk.

-You told me once when you were drunk. Ranboo quickly confessed. But his confession was a lie. He had seen the boy sleep with only boxers on in a bed.

-Fine. Tommy responded with a blushy face and the corners of his mouth curving.

What Tommy quickly realized, was that his arms were filled with cuts append cuts, some of his cuts were so deep that there would be scars left on his skin for years. He was scared that the older one would find out about his scars, that he didn't tell him about. 

What do I do?

1173 words!

Imma try to upload once every month becauseeee yeahhh, I use a shit-long time making these chapters and with school and every day life getting in the way, it gets hard to upload often. Next update might be in the end of september or the start of oktober.


𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 //𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐛𝐨𝐨Where stories live. Discover now