Chapt. 5

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This chapters TW: Alcohol, and drunk people + swearing. 

Please listen to the song above for this chapter. Idk why this song, but it kinda helps setting the mood?

Ranboo's POV

My eyes heavily opened. My head spant. My vision was blurry as I opened my eyes. I felt a weight on my sore chest. Until my vision could focus, I saw clearly who it was. I didn't remember much, just the drinking and smoking... then It gets foggy.

Tommy was laying unconscious on my arm, as he was curled up in a fetal position. Just like that night when we had our first sleepover, when his parents we're fighting downstairs. The next morning, they just assumed we were already fast asleep.

I admired the blonde boy as he had his head on my arm. The tired boy slowly opened his heavy eyes.

-Good morning. I said as his eyes were half open. 

-Good morning. He barely could get out. 

-Slept well? I asked as I scoffed by the look of the tired boy.

-Yes... I just hate waking up cause my head is pounding. He said as he squinted his eyes shut.

-Yeah, I know, me too. I giggled as I spoke.

-I don't wanna get up. He said as he burried his head and face palmed his face, hitting his forehead on my arm.

-Neither do I... I said with a pregnant pause. -But sometimes you just have to do things that you feel to lazy to do. I continued as I slipped away my arm and got up fast enough to make me a bit dizzy, and making me nearly black out. 

-Ran.. Are you ok? Tommy asks me curiously as I just stood there still and being attacked by dizzyness.

-Yep! I'm ok. I'll go make some breakfast. I told him as I looked back at him.

-No, please don't go and make breakfast... We could just go to a cafe and drink coffee, please~? Tommy whined tiredly.

-Yes, of course. Then you have to get ready. I said as I sat back down again. 

-Yes... I will... Tommy said as he sat up. 

-Come on. I said as I smiled. I stood up again as I stretched my arm and hand out to him. He took my hand well and stood up. But slowly threw his head softly onto my shoulder, as I felt a small warming sensation in my cheek.


[Time skip]

Tommy's POV.

Me and Ran sat peacefully at a cafe that served coffee and goodies like cake and muffins. I felt a slight irritated sensation on my skin on my arm and wrist. I know the scars are just healing and that some of them got cut open yesterday.

Me and Ran sat across from each other at the table. I sipped a warm latte, as Ranboo who didn't seem to much enjoy coffee, drank strawberry tea. 

-Enjoying your latte? Ranboo asked me with a smile, as I who look out the window, -admiring the sky- looked back at him.

I nodded with a smile. I felt more happier spending time with Ran. Their overall my bestfriend that have been there with me for years.


-Eternal Bliss. Ran said.

I cast a glance at him briefly.

-What? I ask confused.

𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 //𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐛𝐨𝐨Where stories live. Discover now