Chapt. 7

35 3 8

TW! Mention of Self harm, Razor blades, scissors, and scars.

Ranboo's POV

(7 years ago)

-Thomas! Mark is here! My mother yelled from the Livingroom, where she was relaxed on the couch. I ran as fast I could down. I was excited to see my best friend for a sleepover. Now, you may ask me, how many sleepovers have you both had the past 3-4 years? Uhm... a hundred already?

I grabbed the doorknob as I dragged the door towards me. In front of me I saw a figure, about 7 cm (2.7 inches) taller than me. They had the same hair color, same vibrant, beautiful eyes, same skin colour, same lip shape, I could assure you that this was my best friend, Ran. And they would be my best friend forever.

-R- Eh, Mark! I said approaching, as I nearly said Ranboo instead for Mark.

I saw the discomfort on their face as I said Mark, Instead of Ran or Ranbuzz, as I call them as a nickname.

-T-Thomas. They said stuttering. I felt the discomfort as well crippling upwards my spine, with an 'un-comfy' smile.

-Come inside. I said with a smile, as I tried to brush off the discomforting sensation that we both were sharing.

-Hello Mrs. Simons. Ran greeted my mother as they stepped inside.

-Hello, Mark. She said back with a smile. I felt a slight jealousy creeping up my back, as she liked them more than me. I am her child; she is supposed to "Love" me. She clearly does not. Whenever I would do a mistake, I instantly get yelled at or hit. I stared daggers at her.

-Let's go to my room. I said as I smiled at Ran, I received the same smile from Ran before starting to walk up the creaky, old stairs.

-So... I'll just lay my bag here. Ran said as they dropped their bag next to the door. At the end of my bed.

-Ok. I mumbled with a small smile append my face. They looked at me back and smiled small with a small pink colour in their cheeks. I felt the mixture between blood and butterflies in my cheeks and stomach as I saw their blush. As my face became a tomato. My legs became warm, I became warm and shaky or jelly.

-Are you ok? Ran asked me curiously.

I stood there and stared blank as I smiled nervously, trying not to crack up.

They mimicked the same smiled and started to crack up slowly.

We both ended up giggling with each other quietly so "no one could hear us".


-Did you bring your Console and controllers? I asked excited.

-Yes, of course. Ran replied as they opened their bag to reveal it.

-This. Is. Gonna. Be. The. Night. Of. Our. LIVES!! I said loudly as I lay my hands on their shoulders and shook them.

-Toms, Calm down. Ran giggled with a grin.

-I will never calm down. I said as I let go of their shoulders.

-I'm just so excited to play, you know? You're like MY ONLY best friend. So, like, I will always be thrilled and excited when I'm with you or seeing you. Like a goddamned dog. And I don't know why! I ranted of anything that would come into my head.

Ran looked deeply at me as they listened to the crap I was saying.

-So! I don't know... I'm just obsessed. I said to them as I looked into their eyes.

-You somehow find ways how to make me gaze and listen, like you are stars. Yes, I'm gazing at stars clearly. Ranboo said as they giggled for themselves.

𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 //𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐛𝐨𝐨Where stories live. Discover now